No Safe Light

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Had the stars all ways laughed at me? Had they all ways gazed from their high pedestals and taken amusement from my tragedies?

As the moon stood guard of our nights as he watched me struggle. Why didn't he stop them?

His bright light would shine in through the small cracks of my window boards. But he never bothered to send his angels to protect me. Out of all the stars in the sky. He didn't send one to lend a hand.

But they all laughed and cackled as I was tormented and beaten. As blood curdling screams streamed from my thirsty, hungry lips.

They bellowed their joy at the sight of my heart beating and dieing at the same time.

They told me he stood gaurd of me and my dreams.

But all I was left with, was a broken dream and soul that had been sucked right out of me.

I belonged to a roaring see of hollow shells of left behinds.

He didn't gaurd your dreams.

He made sure you woke up bleeding threw your ears and gasping for breath.

He didn't save you from nightmares.

He killed and stabbed you slowly in your sleep.

He was not the ever watching moon, he was a light of dark and evil.


That was the first installment of my short stories.
Dark, I know. But not every thing is sunshine and rainbows(even though I wish it were, I love rainbows) and not every one is in an environment where it is safe.

But do not fret my lovely pets!

For that is not the only kind of stories I will post.

Safe readings and happy dreaming!

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