🔪🐻😰Teddy Bear😰🐻🔪

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Sooo, this is gonna be interesting... I'm gonna give you a quick summery for what this is about.

Henry Bowers 'forced' Y/n into a relationship with him, at first things were alright and kinda sweet, but then he started to get abusive... (like always)


"Hey L/n!" I heard a familiar voice say, I turned around to see Henry Bowers. "What do you want Bowers? Have you come back for revenge?" I asked with a sigh "no, I want you to be mine" He said as he stepped closer to me "whoa dude, I'm 13...you're like 16..." I said as I stepped back "plus, don't you like, despise me?" I asked "yes, but-" "Wait! I know! You've come here to beat me up? Haven't you?" "No! Just let me talk Crybaby- I mean, please let me talk Y/n" he said with a deep breath "fine, go ahead" I said reaching for the knife in my pocket "I want you to be my girlfriend, okay?" He asked (more like demanded) "why? So you can humiliate me? What will my friends think? What will Eddie and Richie think?" I asked him "leave those losers!" He yelled "excuse me? Were you there when I almost got eaten by a demonic clown? Were you there when my mom killed my dad? Were you there for me when I was insecure about myself? Were you ever there for me? I don't think so" I said with a glare "Look, its only for a few weeks!" He yelled "if I say yes, will you promise to leave my friends and I alone?" I asked "uh-yeah-sure" he lied "see, the main thing is, will I get free food? Because if there's no food, I'm out-" "yes! Whatever! My god, just say yes already! Fuck..." "wow! Calm the fuck down!" I said putting my hands up defensively "Belch, Victor, leave" Henry stated with a glare, they both nodded and scattered away.

"Look, I need you to be my girl, only for a few weeks!" "Fine, I'll say yes, but I swear, if Eddie, Richie, or any of the Losers find out I'm dating you, mark my words Bowers, you'll be dead in a second!" I warned as I whipped out my pink knife from my back pocket, he nodded with a glint in his eyes.

(Time Skip)

"Henry, remind me again why we're going to the Barren's? My friends are down there all the time, they might be there now, if they see me with you they'll flip their shit" I said shoving a tree branch out of my way "we're looking for Patrick, now let's go!" He said as he lightly grabbed my hand and lead the way, I had a confused look on my face, why the fuck is Henry Bowers, the boy who'd bully my best friends constantly, be kind or caring?

He let go of my hand as we entered the sewers "Ugh! This is fucking disgusting! I hate fucking greywater!" "Graywater?" Henry asked with an amused look on his face "Yeah, greywater, it's what Eddie calls sewer water since it's all infested with piss and shit" I smirked with a giggle, Henry smiled when he heard my giggle, I looked up at him, once again, confused, "so, what's so important that you'd date a loser like me?" I asked him "no reason, I've liked you from the start" he said "what's your meaning of like? Because from what I know, like doesn't mean carving rude things into people's skin!" I said with a dirty look while I pointed to the carved teardrop on my cheek "yeah, sorry about that, I needed to claim what's mine" he smirked "your's? Bitch, I don't belong to anyone!" I yelled jokingly "you seem to belong to your boyfriends what were their names? All I remember is Wheezy and what do you call him? Oh yeah! Trashmouth Tozier!" Henry smirked "t-their n-n-not my b-boyfriends!" Shit! I stuttered! "Sure~ Why did you stutter then?" "B-b-because I-I-I-" "Yeah, I get it Crybaby, you don't have to explain it, don't turn all Stuttering Bill on me!" Henry smirked and winked teasingly, I rolled my eyes and lightly hit his arm "you know, you're not that bad when you're not an asshole to literally everyone around you!" I laughed "Wait! I'm supposed to hate you!" I said angrily "admit it Y/n, you like being with me so far!" Henry laughed as he put his arms around my shoulders "no, you're an asshole Bowers" I said as I rolled my eyes and removed his arms from my shoulders.

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