10:55 am

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It had already been 3 weeks since Hoseok got the job and sat behind the counter everyday from 7:30 am to 2:45 pm waiting for Yoongi to come back and pay a visit. He just wanted to see his smile again, and the way he rubbed the back of his ear when he was nervous.
10:50 am - break time
Hoseok didn't do much during his break, he had nothing better to do, no where better to go so he just stayed and chilled in the back and let Jimin take over for a bit. Today he was feeling a bit tired, he didn't go to sleep till really late that night binge watching a drama he found on Netflix, so he decided to take a nap. He fell asleep almost instantly until he heard Jimin rush to the back trying to get his attention. "Dude! Hobi! Your man is here, get his order GO GO GO" Hoseok's heart jumped hearing the words "your man" and wasted no time making his way up to the front and smiling right as he saw Yoongi up front waiting at the counter keeping his eyes low.
"Excuse me, can I take your order?" Hoseok asked politely leaning his head down so he could make eye contact the the cute boy.
His head shot up immediately and fumbled with his words trying to give Hoseok his order which he practiced in his head a million times beforehand. And there it was, the cute habit where he rubs the back of his ear. It made Hoseok's heart melt. "One green tea with a strawberry danish?" He asked Yoongi still
Fumbling with his words. You could see how less tense Yoongi got as he dropped his shoulders and his hand from behind his head and smiled with a nod.
"How did you know?"
"Know what?" Hoseok asked just too keep the conversation going.
"What I wanted?"
"I saw you ordered the same thing last time I saw you." He was very proud of his observation.
"So you memorized my order? That's not creepy at all" he replied with a giggle putting his hands in his pockets shyly.
"How could I forget such a cute order from such a cute boy" Hoseok was going straight to the flirting, he didn't want to waste anytime, trust me 3 weeks feels like forever waiting for someone. But Seeing the boy blush made the wait worth it.
The boy waited for his order silently glancing at Hoseok every once in a while.He  handed him his order with his biggest smile and watched as he made his way back to his table and laptop. The boy didn't stick around for long, he closed his laptop, grabbed something from his pocket, scribbled a few words on a napkin and pushed it to the side with his tip, heading out the front door swiftly.

Hoseok didn't notice Yoongi leave until he came back from around back to steal a glance over at his table. Disappointed he walked over to take his plates and noticed the scribble left on the napkin. It was his number with a cutest drawn smiley face winking with a heart. Call me.

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