day 5

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Ashley's P.O.V

for some reason i don't like blame as much as i used to but instead i now see her as a sister after getting to know her and i also see that her and cc like each other. i find it cute and they would make an adorable couple.

Blame's P.O.V

i like cc okay i get that he is like my uncle and i'm a minor and he does not like me like that and he thinks i'm a slut. well now that i have said that i need to get ready but cc is in the bathroom taking care of his problem. i hear the shower so i'll ask to get changed in there while he's in the shower. the shower has a see through door so cc could see me and i could see him if i did go in there and change, but i really need to get ready. were going to have to deal with it 

''cc can i come in and change or can you hurry the hell up,''i said while knocking on the door.

''i just got in so you can come in and change,''he responded.

i walked in and set my things down on the toilet. today was an of day for the guys and we were driving all day so i was just going to wear thin black sweat pants that said 'boss' on the butt area in white a thin black crop top sweatshirt that had white hearts on the boob area i didn't wear a bra because i was to lazy to grab one so my very hard nipples were very visible what i am cold as fuck and i don't know why. i brushed my hair and left it down in it's wavy state sure to curl up in about in hour after being brushed. i took out my clear contacts and put on my glasses for my make-up all i did was put on chap stick and i wore no jewelry except for the rings i never take off. i was done when the water turned off and cc asked me to hand him the towel sitting on the sink i did and walked out into the main part of the bus. then it hit me that today was my birthday. well shit.

"happy royal birthday queen b,''ash said in a fake British accent making me laugh.

after he said that Andy kissed my head and said happy birthday cc walked out and then everyone started singing happy birth day. everyone stopped and sat down all the spots were taken so i sat in cc's lap

"present time," Andy said.

"nope i get no presents return them you shall not and will not waste thy money on my trash bag of a self,''i said.

"you are not a trash bag and you will except them or i will...i don't know what i'll do but yeah,''cc said wrapping his arms around my waste and putting his head on my chest. i don't know how we always end up like this but i think it's comfortable for both of us.

Andy gave me my present from himself first. he got me a necklace that had the date i was adopted and had the initials B.D.M-B i hugged him from cc's lap because e wouldn't let me go.

next was Ashley. he got me a belt buckle that i wanted at the store we went to but didn't end up getting and a picture of me and cc sleeping with everyone around us framed, the frame said family at the top and of weirdos on the bottom. i chuckled lightly and hugged him from cc's lap again.

then it was Jake he got me a new electric guitar that was all black and had my name carved in the handle in white and a heart in the corner in dark red. i shrieked and tried my best to stand up and hug him because it was mt dream guitar but someone was clung to me and was not having it.

then jinx went he got me a black sparkly violin with a matching bow ''how did you know it's an exact replica of the one i used to have,'' i asked.

  ''i told you i stalk your channel,'' he said. i again tried my best to hug him but cc was clinging to me like a child would to their mother when their scared.

''okay coma you have to let me go,'' i said. in response he shook his head moving his head further into my chest. he stood up still holding me and took me to the back room set me down on the bed and walked to the corner he came back and showed me the matching sweaters he got us they had drum sticks on the back and said skittles on mine and cookie monster on his on the front pocket of his it said property of queen b and on mine it said property of sir c mine was cropped and red his was normal length and was black. i jumped up and hugged him properly since no one was hanging off of my side and told him to turn around he did so i changed into my new sweater discarding the old one with hearts i was wearing on the floor near the door.

we walked out to the main part of the bus where everyone else was i sat in Andy's lap because there is never a spot for me. he wrapped his arms around me and put his head on my shoulder.

''thank you all this has been one of the best birthdays ever.

Andy's P.O.V 

i don't get to spend a lot of time with blame she's always with Ashley or cc. i want to take her out today to meet Juliet because she is going to be at our next venue and then stay for about a week. ''what do you guys want for dinner i'll cook,'' blame said.

''anything edible,'' ash said i agreed so did Jake and jinx. but cc said '' i want spicy food...oh can i help.'' blame nodded. so they both got up to cook i was nervous because whenever cc does something like this someone ends up hurt but blame wouldn't let him do something stupid...would she. oh shit.

CC's P.O.V

we made spicy chicken. that's what i'm gonna call it because i was not paying attention to anything she was saying or doing. she told me to get bread garlic and butter. i did and she made garlic bread. the final meal had chicken spicy garlic noodle things and garlic bread. and she put 2 cookie cakes in the little oven thingy after so we could have that for dessert.         

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