chapter 14

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Blames P.O.V

Me and Nico were sat across the table from Andrew and Juliet. Juliet continued to shoot me dirty glances at me and Nico the entire time we were there, but do you think Andy paid any attention what so ever..... if you guessed no then you would be correct. Nico was beyond irritated with Juliet's pettiness, if she makes one more look at me let alone my brother again i'm saying something. I don't care if Andy would approve but i've had it with him too. He should know that I am very short tempered, and their actions are making me want to flip this table but I am trying so so so very hard to be civil only for Andy. Nico has a very bad temper also, once he's set off he won't stop until he feels he needs too...and that won't be for a while. I get mad and at first I'm deadly serious then I get verbally abusive, and if that doesn't work then I get very very very violent. Nico on the other had stays deadly calm but with life time threats, why this is so scary is because he gets specific with time, date, and place. He will come through with his threats, well you can't even really call them threats more so promises.
"Juliet I know you dont like us and I'm fine with that. I have offered to leave countless times, but what I don't like is the glares you keep giving like your disgusted with the thought of us. Frankly I don't like you either but the glares need to stop because not only are they rude but disrespectful,"I said.
"I'm sorry, but do you hear yourself how dare you talk back to an adult like that, if anything your the rude one coming to a lunch that you were not invited to and then inviting someone else,"she retaliated.
"I'll have you know that I was invited and if I knew you and all of your disrespect would be here I eould not have come, but I'm glad I did becausr I was reunited with my brother. now if you'll excuse us I'm going to get us a separate table one that doesn't have a rat infestation like yourself,"I said beyond pissed at what this lady had just accused me of. I stood up Nico going to do the same until i was pushed down into my seat by Andy
"Blame Dove Meaningless, you will sit down and apologize or else you are grounded,"he said.
"Andrew Denis Biersack, I will do no such thing and I will have you know that this is the last time you put your hands on me or tell me what to do before I smack you. Now if you'll excuse us I'm getting a separate table and sit there because the rat is causing me a loss of appetite," I said.
"I don't care Blame you will sit down and listen because I am your father and you have no right to be this disrespectful towards me,"Andy said.
Me and Nico stood up and so did Andy, as we were trying to walk away he moved in front of us.
*what are we going to do to get him out of thr way* Nico said using our twin telepathy.
* I walk left you walk right if he tries again make him sit down*  i said.
He nodded and we started to walk, Andy tried to stop us so we both grabbed one of his shoulders and shoved him in the seat we were just at. I dragged Nico out of chili's after tipping our waiter $45 for putting up with us. We went to the bus where all the guys were. When we walked on they gave me questioning glances, i ignored them and went to the bunk room where my bags were and dug through them until I found mine and Nico's old matching batman outfits that still fit like a glove.

 When we walked on they gave me questioning glances, i ignored them and went to the bunk room where my bags were and dug through them until I found mine and Nico's old matching batman outfits that still fit like a glove

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we changed and since he had his skate board i grabbed mine, then my phone and wallet.
"Let's go to the skatepark a few blocks down,"Nico said, I nodded. We walked out of the bunk room to the front where every one including Andy and Juliet were.
"If you decide to leave without me the least you could do is put my stuff nicely in the tree by the entrance," i said.
"Why would we leave without you blame, your family and your staying," Cc said.
"Well if Andrews little friend is staying then there's a good chance Andrew will want me out. If he does don't worry it wont be the last you'll see of me because my real dad had a house in LA he left to me in his will so I'll be there and you are welcome to stop by at any time,"I said.
"We are not leaving you even if Andy wants to but for right now where are you going,"asked Jake.
"Skate park with my twin so bye," and with that i ran out of the door with Nico behind me. I threw my board down next to Nico's and he led the way to the skate park.

Ashley's P.O.V

"What thr hell did you do to piss her off that much," i asked Andy.
"He didnt do anything that little bitch was being disrespectful towards my baby and when he finally did something about it she threw him into a chair," Juliet said.
"Yeah right, I may not talk to b all the time but I know her well enough that she would never do something like that so you had to of done something,"Jake said.
"And besides she was invited and told it was just going to be her and Andy at that lunch so if anythibg abdy was in the wrong for lying," I said

Hahahaha cliff hanger

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