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"An anonymous tip led police to a home in the central west end, where a S

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"An anonymous tip led police to a home in the central west end, where a S.W.A.T. team discovered a local woman bound and gagged."

We stood in front of a row of television screens behind the glass as the news reel played, a report of a manhunt pinned on a young man.

"Her attacker, a white male approximately twenty-four to thirty years of age, was discovered hiding in the home. Shots were fired."

The police sketch flashed on screen. I glanced at Dean and then back at the sketch. It didn't look too accurate, but it was recognisable. It certainly looked like Short Round was a fugitive now.

"Man," Dean huffed. "It's not even a good picture."

"It's good enough," Sam mumbled, looking left and right warily, up and down the road.

We needed to keep moving before the cops stumbled on Dean. With Fake Dean still out there, arresting either one would be a win for the police.

I walked briskly down the road with Sam on my heels and Dean trailing behind. We turned down another alleyway, stalking along swiftly.

"They said attempted murder," Sam said. "At least we know—

"I didn't kill her!" Dean yelled, frustrated.

"Doesn't matter," I grumbled breathlessly, trying to keep in step with them. "He's got your face. You're as much a fugitive as he is now."

"I'll check with Rebecca in the morning to see if she's all right," Sam said.

"First I want to find that handsome devil and kick the holy crap out of him," Dean growled.

"We have no weapons. No silver bullets."

Dean snatched Sam's wrist. "The guy's walking around with my face. It's a little personal, okay, I wanna find him."

I raised an eyebrow as I watched the two bicker. This was getting us nowhere and we didn't have time for it. That shifter was still out there, and probably holding its new victim hostage as we spoke.

"Where do we look?" Sam asked.

"We could start with the sewers."

"No," I jumped in. The two looked at me. "He wouldn't backtrack there. That would only lead the cops to his lair. He's hiding somewhere else."

"Besides, we have no weapons. He stole our guns," Sam added. "We need more."

Dean threw his hands in the air in frustration. Sam's eyes flicked back and forth in thought as I paced uncomfortably. Of course, dropping into that man hole meant getting caught up in this. Curiosity sure as hell killed the cat. The last thing I wanted was to be caught up in some monster mash crap, but here I was, running around with a fugitive and his giant brother, both of whom I still had no clue who they really were.

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