Chapter one

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Un Romance Roto - A broken romance ___________________________________________1
The winking stars that adorned the navy blue sky weren't bright, the eerie fog of clouds hid the moon's crescent shape of light, covering the pearly white glow like a deadly blight.

Everything just wasn't the same.

As if a dream had ended, you were now in reality - the cruel reality. How could you have not seen this coming? Everything came down to this, all the unnecessary drama, blood and tears. Desperately trying to distract yourself from your grief by finding joy in the entertainment the airline offered, all efforts proved futile as his face constantly flashed in your mind, vivider than a lucid dream.

Your mind was beyond what you would call chaotic; everything in your life was in jeopardy. Everything was a question with loose ends, your friends, your family and him.

Trapped in the window seat, that was supposedly providing extra protection, Alfred sat to your left with Kiku on the very edge next to the walkway. The least thing you wanted right now was to talk, so you pretended you were asleep, but you were actually dwelling in the haven of your thoughts and memories. You sometimes cracked a small slit in your eyelids to stare at them, only just making out the coloured blotches of Alfred's sandy blonde hair that moved constantly, turning to stare at you like he was paranoid.

Thankfully, the turbulence hitting the plane and the soft tilts caused your hair to fall over your face, hiding your eyes.

You were afraid of letting them see you cry.

The soft yellow light glowing from the plane's lights eventually faded into darkness, allowing the passengers to sleep as it was inching closer to too late. You twitched as you felt the weight of a person's head rest upon your shoulder, the warm hair covering up the cold spot on your neck. Slowly, you dozed off into a dream-filled sleep.

A light sea breeze blew at your hair, filling your nose with a touch of sweetness. The sand sunk in between your toes, the wetness dampening your feet. A loving touch embraced your body, the warmth belonging to the only one you could ever imagine it to be, Antonio. As ironic as it sounded, you never felt so safer then this, in his arms by the beach.

Switching glances from the beautiful sunset of the melting sun, you stared at Antonio, his loving gaze that always managed to squeeze your heart. His smile spread to you, a melancholic one that is. Tears started to well in his eyes, gliding down his cheeks leaving a trail that reddened his face. You widened your eyes to ask him what was wrong, where he forced a hard smile in return.

He turned his head back to the sun, which casted an enchanting golden light on his face.

"I'm so happy I could die." he muttered. "I want this moment to last forever."

You gasped silently, eyes shooting open from the vision.

You were just about to burst into tears after realising that it wasn't real.

Letting out a soft sigh, you rolled your eyes over to Alfred, where he was sound asleep with the comfort of your shoulder. Kiku was also asleep, with his arms crossed. They both had an expression of what you felt was relief, but it was tainted by the fear that manifested over time.

Shutting your eyes once more, you slept through the whole flight, hoping that you would see his face again in your dreams; but you were plagued by worry instead. Frightened by what would happen in the near future, especially what will happen to Antonio really left an unsettling feeling in the pit of your stomach.


"Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts. We will be landing in New York very soon. The temperature outside will be 70 degrees fahrenheit, not too cold or hot."

You fluttered your eyes open, blinking away any excess dampness away. Alfred and Kiku were awakened by the announcement as well, both inhaling deeply as they stretched out their limbs.

"Ngh... Good morning, (F/N)..."

"Good evening, (F/N)-san."

Both chorusing together except with different wording, they both stared at each other. Shortly after they both chuckled at the fact on how one of them is clearly less oriented than the other. You couldn't help but crack a smile as well, missing your good old friendships and finally feeling it spring into life again.

You three loaded the luggage from the overhead lockers, then proceeded to make your way out the plane, the kind staff bidding you all farewell as you stepped back on the good old ground of your home country.


All things good started to flow and rush through your body, eyes enlarged with wonder and fascination as you marvelled on the tall buildings and skyscrapers that touched the sky. This was something that you definitely missed, the metropolitan and city life that was always alive no matter what.

The pulsing lights on the tall structures and glimmer of the city really was beautiful.

If only he was here, he would be calling you beautiful instead.

You let out a dreamy sigh as you watched the night life disappear slowly as it reached the suburban areas, into the neighbourhoods that you grew up in. Street after street, you recognised everything that you saw as you rode home in a taxi, along with Alfred and Kiku. They acted suspiciously quiet for some reason, but you couldn't blame them as you have all just caught a plane.

Upon arriving on your street, your heart pounded so hard with excitement that you felt every artery palpitate. You finally laid eyes on your home, making you let out a shrill of excitement. Alfred smiled along with Kiku, who found your happiness very adorable. You all stepped out of the cab and paid the driver, unloaded the luggage and rushed to the front door as quickly as possible.

You knocked on the door in the same manner Anna did for Elsa and called, "Guess who!"

A stampede of feet stumbled clumsily down the stairs, sounding like they all tripped over each other from the sheer amount of people. There was definitely at least five people in there, which was definitely more than two - your parents that lived in this house. Shushing and screaming silently inside, they all grew silent as their shadows moved naturally behind the door's blurred glass.

The door suddenly was pulled open, revealing a large group of faces that you recognised.

"WELCOME HOME, (F/N)!" They all screamed in your face simultaneously, making you let out a squeak of surprise. You didn't care how stupid you may have looked, but you teared up and jumped right at them, ready to be drowned in a sea of embraces. Nothing could describe how happy you felt, you were over the moon.

"Oh my god, I missed you all so much!" you cried, moving your arms constantly to share the love for everyone. They all did the same, but the only one they were focused on was you.

"I'm so happy you're back home safe! We were so worried!" Your mother exasperated, your dad standing right beside her and nodding.

"Couldn't agree more. We literally called the police, like twenty eight times!" your dad added with a relieved smile.

Your stomach dropped upon hearing that. Twenty eight times? The cops probably have gotten sick of hearing their voices!

Pretending not to hear that, you group hugged your parents, where your dad was rubbing your hair furiously while your mother showered kisses all over your face. It felt so amazing to be surrounded by them again. Pulling away from a tight bear hug that lasted about five minutes, you stepped back and counted all the faces that were gleaming at you.

Your whole group was here, there were even some other students in your class as well.

"Oh my god, I'm so happy so many people are here!" you exclaimed with a bright smile.

"Haha, but of course! We missed you so much!" A cheery voice exclaimed, belonging to a very ecstatic Italian.

"Aww, I missed you all too." you said, sounding rather bitter sweet.

After that, you all grouped hugged again and started to chat away about life, where you caught on with all sorts of gossip and what was new. A few of your friends brought up Antonio, your captor, where you gave them the same answer that he was 'caught and behind bars'. You really didn't want to talk any more than that about him, or else it would be too much.

Despite the joy in the air, there was still the haunting presence of guilt.

Looming over both you and your family and friends.

Everybody was experiencing mixed emotions, but didn't want to ruin the cordial atmosphere with tears.

After a few hours of partying that Alfred kindly planned for you, everybody left with another hug. You lingered at the dining table with your parents for a little longer, discussing about the important matters specifically on you, for legal and emotional reasons.

Apparently he was going straight to jail without a court hearing, which was devastating for you.

Feeling bile rise in your throat, the thought of seeing him disappeared, but you bit back your cries.

"Hey, could I please go to sleep? I'm really tired." you said, purposely narrowing your eyes to fane weariness. You felt as though you were a gun with a feather on your trigger; about to burst at any given time.

"Oh, of course! Go ahead, you're obviously exhausted!" your mother replied, "Have sweet dreams!"

You nodded and quickly dashed upstairs, not caring whether that contradicted what you had said. Your luggage was already rolled upstairs in courtesy of Alfred, so you were very grateful for that. Letting the first few tears roll down your face, you unzipped your luggage and ripped it open, revealing a heap of your clothes. Rummaging through the mess, you wanted to pack it all away hopefully to clear your mind.

As you dug out your clothes, you spotted a shirt that stood out from all the rest.

Picking it up with curiosity, it revealed itself in your fingertips.

Heat rushed to your face as the dam spill, tears now cascading down your face as you recognised what it was. You clasped it into your chest and buried your face in it, allowing your tears to dampen the shirt.

The curiosity had definitely killed the cat.

Faint traces of his scent remained; making you cry even harder.

You wanted to scream, but the house was now dead silent. Holding it so tightly in your palms that wrinkles were now forming, you fell on your bed and crawled under the covers, along with his shirt. You ended up crying yourself to sleep, but his scent really helped lull you into doing so.

The bed hasn't ever felt colder before.   

Un Romance Roto (Yandere! Spain x reader)Where stories live. Discover now