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My names Hailey Gomez, I'm 17 years old and I was born in New York. I live with my dad and my 2 brothers (Nate and Logan). My mom died when I was 5 so I don't really remember much about her except that she was an alcoholic. I'm not one of the popular kids at school but I have a small group of friends that consist of Kate, Megan and jack. I was bullied the whole way through middle school and most of high school by a group of boys, but they just suddenly disappeared from school and nobody in school ,except the teachers, knows where they are.

"OK class, me and a few of the other teachers have organised a project that will take place over this whole school year. You will all be volunteering in different work places to help get some experience when you eventually leave school" Mrs shaw announced.

*whole class starts complaining*

Im not good when it comes to meeting new people so I really hope I get placed in a kindergarten or something where I don't have to talk to people. I've been bullied for most of my life so my cofidence has always been really Low.

"stop complaining. This will look good on your CV when you apply for jobs. Ok so, I will call your names out and say where you will be based so listen carefully. Megan- hospital, Jack- kindergarten, Kate-restaurant, Jamie-Health clinic....(19 names later) and last but not least Hailey you'll be based in New Jersey State Prison. You will recieve an email explaining all of the details about your job. Good luck and I will see you after half-term."

A freaking prison! Oh my god... I don't even speak to the people in my classes let alone freaking murderers and rapists! I can not do this. By now everybody had already left except Megan, jack and Kate who were waiting outside of the door for me. I walked over to Mrs shaw who was sorting through paperwork on her desk.

"Miss you can't do this to me. Why would you make me out of all people, go to a prison!" I said panicked.

"Look Hailey, out of everybody in this class, you're the one who needs a confidence boost the most. Anyway, I thought it would be a good opertunity as you're dad works at the prison."

"But miss please! Change my job! You've put me in one of the most dangerous prisons in America! I'll probably end up dying!"

"Don't be so dramatic. It's too late to Change your base now. You will be expected to be at the prison tomorrow morning at 11am. Don't let them down. Now go and enjoy your half term"

I walked out of the room and sighed

"What's wrong Hails?"

"I just don't want to go to the prison tomorrow."

"There's nothing to be afraid of. And you'll probably be with your dad most of the time considering he works there." Jack said, trying to comfort me.

"Yeah you're right. Anyway I need to get home, so I'll FaceTime you all sometime tonight" I said.

"Do you want a ride home?" Megan asked.

"No it's fine I like walking. See ya later!"

"Ok, see ya babes!" She said as I made my way towards the exit.

Thank you for reading the first chapter! Tell me in the comments if you like this story and I will try my best to update! Love you all! :)

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