The prison

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Your P.O.V

My alarm started beeping at 7:30am. It's the holidays I shouldn't be up at this time. As I start drifting back to sleep I remember something... THE PRISON!           For Fucks Sake!!! I drag myself out of bed take a shower and do my hair and makeup. Once I'm ready I head downstairs and make pancakes for breakfast.

"So... You excited for today hun?" My dad asks as he sits next to me at the table.

"Yeah, I'm over the moon that I get to meet a bunch of muderers and rapists." I say sarcastically.

"You'll be fine because I'll be with you. Anyway I got the email from your teacher and she said that you'll be assigned to council several inmates."

"Counsel them? Me? What the hell am I supposed to ask them! What was it like killing someone!?"

"No. You just ask about their feelings and stuff like that."

"How old are these girl inmates anyway?" I ask curiously 

"Hunny, it's not a women's prison. It's a men's prison."

"Oh perfect! I get to talk to a bunch of pedophiles!!!"

"There all boys around your age. Now stop complaining and get in the car or we will be late!" 

--30 minutes later--

My dad drives up a long road that eventually leads up to a huge metal gate that's covered in barbed wire. Two men ,armed with guns and tasters, stand  either side guarding it. One of them walks over to the car window and my dad shows his ID card. This place is already creeping me out and I'm not even in there yet. The huge gate opens and my dad continues to drive into an underground car park. The prison is huge and covered in electric fences and barbed wire! There is officers stood all around, guns at the ready, guarding the walls of the prison. I can hear deep voices screaming as I make my way out of the car. I feel like I'm in a mental asylum not a prison. 

"Dad, why are people screaming?" I ask with a shaky voice.

"A fight must of broke out. It's ok just stay by my side"

We walk toward the entrance of the prison. I walk through the the automatic door and to my supprise there is lots of people in the reception area. I for some reason thought that it would be silent and extremely creepy, but it just looked like a hospital entrance or something like that.

We walk up to the front desk and are greeted by a middle aged women, wearing glasses. My dad scans his ID card on a special screen and I get told to sign in and get handed an ID card like my dads. 

"I've actually got a meeting in 5 minutes." My dad says to me as he checks his watch. 

"Your leaving me?" 

" I'm not allowed to be in the room with you during the councilling sessions anyway. I'll show you where you need to go and then I'll get one of my colleagues to stay with you. Ok?"


My dad walks me to the end of the corridor and leads me into a small room with a table and two chairs and security cameras in every corner. He then speaks to the officer stood by the door, who I assume will be staying with me. I sat down in one of the chairs and waited about 5 minutes until the officer that my dad had been talking to came into the room. He looked like he was in his early twenties and had messy black hair and gorgeous green eyes. No going to lie, he was very handsome.

"nice to meet you. I'm Officer Martinez but you can just call me Mason. I'll be staying with you for most of today."

"I'm Hailey Gomez. Nice to meet you too." I smiled.

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