Bad memories

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*flashback to 3 years ago*

Your (Hailey)  POV 

School had finished a couple of hours ago and most people had left, but I had some math homework to finish so I decided to go and sit in the library.

Once I had finished I packed all my stuff away and headed out of library. I knew that the football team were about to finish practise, so I hurried to my locker before the herd of popular kids came running through the the hallways.

I was putting my books in my locker when I heard a group of footsteps approaching me. I instantly knew who it was. I continued sorting my books out in hope that they would go away.

God why was I so stupid! I shouldn't of stayed in school, knowing that they were in school to.

I reached into my locker when suddenly someone slammed it shut. I managed to pull my hand out just in time. Before I had time to turn around by myself, someone had grabbed me by the back of my shirt and forced my to face them.

I opened my eyes to see exactly who I had expected. My main bullies and the most popular, badass boys in school, Ethan, Grayson and Jake. 

Most people in school occasionally made mean comments towards me or tried to humiliate me in front of everybody, but they had never been physically violent towards me. However Ethan, Grayson and Jake beat me on the daily. I didn't have any friends at this point and my dad was always busy looking after my brothers so I never bothered to tell anyone.

"Ready for your beating?" Jake asked whilst the others smirked.

"You're a worthless piece of shit" Ethan said 

Before I had time to try to defend myself, Jake had punched me straight in the nose. I fell to the ground at the hard impact and could already feel my nose starting to bleed. I held my sore nose and attempted to cover my face with my hands. Grayson yanked me up by my hair but not before kicking me in my stomach. I screamed in pain as Ethan delivered another right hook to my face. I  fell to the ground once again and Jake grabbed my ankle a stomped on my leg repeatedly until I heard a crack and screamed in agony.

"oh shit I think you've just broken her leg" Grayson said, impressed by what jake had just done. Jake just laughed and said that he hoped he had.

I could feel the bruises starting to form on my face, leg and stomach as a waterfall of tears ran down my face and mixed with the blood from my nose.

After a lot more blows to my face and stomach I eventually passed out, surrounded in a pool of my own blood.

I remember waking up in a hospital bed witha cast on my leg and my dad and younger brothers by my side. My dad questioned me about what happened but I just came up with an excuse that some random guy attacked me. I was to afraid to tell someone who did it as I know what they're capable of.

After that day Ethan, Grayson and Jake continued to physically abuse me, but I just tried my best to cover the bruises with makeup and come up with lame excuses that I'd fallen over or tripped down the stairs. 

I used to self harm. Every night I would cry myself to sleep and I had three failed suicide attempts. They mad my life not worth living.

This went on everyday for about two years. Until about eight months ago when all three of them left school one day and nobody in school ever saw them again...

*End of Flashback* 

*your POV*

I froze.

I couldn't believe I was looking at his evil face. (Not gonna lie, he defently glowed up in these past few months. He was fucking hot)

I tried to speak but I just kept stuttering.


Ethan looked just as shocked as I did. We both just stood there staring at each other.

**Ethans POV**

I was not expecting Hailey to be here.  But Jesus fucking Christ she looks stunning. I could tell she was terrified being anywhere near me because she was shaking and kept stuttering when she tried to speak. For most of high school I was a dick to her but I just mean to her to protect by reputation.

"So Your here to council me?" I asked irritated

I honestly got forced into these fucking counselling sessions. I don't give a shit about my 'emotions', but I apparently don't have a choice.

She still just stood there staring at me. 

"Are you just gonna stand me staring at me or are you actually going to fucking say something?" 

Her facial expression changed. She looked like she wanted to murder me.

I walked over to my metal 'bed' and sat down. Surprisingly, she followed and sat on the other side and finally spoke up.

"So, why are you in here?" 

I wasn't about to tell her the real reason why I was in here.

"Why are you?" I questioned 

"Don't pull that shit with me" 

Wow. She defiantly turned into a badass. If this was a year ago, she wouldn't of said that to me.

I decided to try to try something. I reached forwards and wrapped my hand around her neck. My hand covered most of her neck. I felt her gulp, but she didn't show any sign of fear. I let go and dropped my hand back by my side.

"Why aren't you screaming for Martinez to come and help you or screaming to get out?" 

"I'm not afraid of you anymore" she replied confidently 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2018 ⏰

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