Chapter 4: Jane Says

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"Hi, Jane?" I ask nervously, as I hear the phone pick up and some mumbling.

"Beth, hey! This is Beth, correct? Benny not be playing a joke on me again.." A woman with an American accent answers, and instantly I'm relieved.

I laugh, wondering what Benedict did to her before. "N-no, this is definitely Beth! I was told you're making me pretty for this...thing." Is it a date with him? I can't say, so I don't want to make any assumptions.

"Great, yeah, I'm giving you a glamorous face, although if Ben has asked you to a premiere, I'm sure it won't be very hard! Well, I'm packing up everything I need, so please text me the address and I'll drive over in a flash!"

"Oh, alright, well, see you then Jane! Thank you for this!" We say our goodbyes and I quickly text her the address, feeling more confident.

Should I wash my face? Change into a zip up hoodie so I don't mess anything up as I change? Maybe I will...

I walk over to my closet in my room and get a plain black hoodie and change into it, and then go into my bathroom and wash my face really quickly, and look into the mirror. I'm no Megan Fox, but I've always been comfortable with myself. I have dark brown hair, which ends about mid-waist. I'm rather proud of my hair, I've grown it out for 3 years and it's at a good length. I have a normal looking face, nothing special, no Angelina Jolie lips. My eyes are probably my favorite. They're dark grey, with a ring of amber surrounding my pupil and a black ring on the outer portion of the grey.

I don't have a Kim Kardashian body, my legs are a bit on the short side and nothing sticks out too much, but it's never bothered me before, so why am I freaking out now?

Oh yeah, because a famous actor just invited me to another famous actor's movie premiere. Almost forgot about that.

The doorbell rings and I walk to the door, opening it to see a pile of clothes and various hair and makeup products. A face pops up out of the pile. "Beth? Sorry, it was a short notice thing and I had no idea what your style is!" Jane emerges from the mess, and I look at her and notice she's really pretty, but not in an obvious way. Her natural red hair and soft green eyes really make her look like a Disney princess! I'm so jealous!

"Hi Jane! Let me help you with all this!" I grab a large makeup train and lug in into my hallway, and help with everything else. "I don't know what Benedict told you, but I'm in school for makeup currently! I'd love to see your techniques!" I smile, already liking Jane.

"Of course! I'd love to help a fellow makeup artist! Alright, we can't waste any time! I brought a makeup chair and everything! I'll set it up, and you can go through the dresses and pick your top 2, and I'll help you decide from there!" She points to a mobile rack of beautiful gowns, and I can't help but get really girly and go over to look at them.

All of these dresses are gorgeous! And so pricy... Whatever one I pick will look good no matter what! I finally settle on a baby pink strapless flowy gown, and a more daring black gown with a sweetheart neckline and a tighter, mermaid style fit. "Alright, which do you think?" I hold both up to Jane, and she scrutinizes each one carefully.

"Well Beth, the pink would look good with your hair and skin tone, but it looks far too sweet for a premiere. The black gown is sexy, but not too sexy! Honey, you don't know how things work, but trust me, you need to make those photographers think you're the hottest thing they've ever seen! It draws more attention!" She smiles, "now that we've decided on the dress, let's decide on your hair and makeup! Here, I got the chair set up."

I set the dress aside and take a seat in the chair. "Jane, can we do a big, braided updo? I've seen updos on Pinterest that I love and I want something like that!" I get out my phone and show her, and she nods.

"Sure thing hun, lemme work my magic!" She turns on Pandora on her phone and gets to work, using products and tools on my hair, and she works in silence as we jam out to the songs.

I relax and think about what will happen at the premiere, trying not to stress myself out.

"Alright hun, we're done here!" She claps her hands together and brings a mirror to me and I look into and gasp.

My hair is loosely curled and in a delicate braid ending into a bun. I'm definitely putting a picture up on Pinterest! My makeup is perfect, and even I couldn't do it that well!

"Jane- I-wow. This is amazing! Thank you!" I stand up and hug her, smiling.

"Oh don't mention it hun, Benny really fancies you and I can tell why!" She grins and I blush, looking down at my feet. "Okay dear, dress time!"

I pick up the dress and go to my room to change, changing out of my boring clothes to slip on the soft fabric of the gown.

Am I really worth all this? I've only just met him, and Benedict Cumberbatch is doing all of these lovely things for me!

I can't think about that right now though, I need to focus on tonight! I smooth the dress and walk out, doing a ridiculous model walk to show Jane, who beams.

"Darling you look like an A-lister! You'll be the talk of tonight!" She smiles, "I'll start packing up and heading out, your date should be here soon!" She winks and busies herself with packing and I slip on a pair of black high heels, making my 5'1" self appear to have more presence. I also put on some simple gold jewelry I have, and take a gold clutch purse, and sit quietly on the edge of the couch, the nerves finally getting the best of me.


Hey guys, sorry for the delays! School is killin' me, but 3 more days left! Vote on this chapter if you like it, I'd appreciate it a lot! :)
Thanks guys!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2014 ⏰

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