Chapter 3: Red Carpet Ready?

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I'm so sorry about my absence! School is KILLING me! Anyways, I HAVE MORE THAN 100 READS!!!!! OMG!!! Thank you so much!


"A-a what? A movie premiere? As in, dressing up and getting my pictures taken and watching a movie?!" I try to register what Benedict had just said, looking at him with my mouth open and my eyes wide.

"Well, Beth, that is the general idea of a movie premiere, yes." He laughs and runs his hands through his hair, crinkling his nose up when he smiles. "Will you? Accompany me?" He smiles hopefully at me, and I swear I have died.

I pause for a moment, chewing at my lower lip. "I'd love to. But," I sigh, overthinking as usual, "what would happen with the press I mean you're famous wouldn't they think we were dating or something? What if I look to plain to them, I mean, I'm not a celebrity like you so they would think of me as some peasant. And OHMIGOD I DON'T HAVE A DRESS FOR THIS KIND OF THING, what would I wear?!?!" I sigh and look at him, exasperated. When I look at him he's laughing, why is he laughing?!

"I apologize, I didn't mean to set you off into a panic attack!" He laughs harder and I glare. "Okay, okay, sorry. Beth, dear, you will have plenty of time to get a dress. I will even set you up with the stylist for the show! And, don't worry about what the press will think of you, I'm not Brad Pitt or anything, I don't get scrutinized for everything I do and who I am with! Beth," he places his hand on top of mine, "you are gorgeous. You would put any actress at the event to shame!" He smiles reassuringly and I sigh, smiling at him. "So, you will accompany me? It is for my good friend Tom's new movie, Only Lovers Left Alive. I would so appreciate your company Bethanie."

Tom? Tom Hiddleston? Wow, this day is just too much to handle. "Yes, I will!" I smile, collecting my calm now.

"Wonderful!" He claps his hands together and then grabs his phone out of his jacket. "Could you hand me your phone darling, I'll give you my number and the stylist, Jane's number, and I'll get out of your hair so you can finish your shift and get ready!" He smiles as I get my phone out of my back pocket and hand it to him. He enters the numbers and gives my phone back. "Well darling Beth, I have to get going, I will see you later!" He stands up, and leans down to kiss me on the cheek, and walks out of the cafe.

I sit in disbelief of the events, but Jon snaps me back into reality. "Beth, listen, I couldn't help but overhear, and it sounds like you need to get ready! I'll cover your shift, this is important!" He smiles at me, and I jump up and hug him.

"Jon, I owe you! Thank you!" He smiles and shakes his head. "Beth, this is bloody important! Benedict Cumberbatch asked you to a movie premiere!"

I beam and go to the back of the cafe, grabbing my things. "Alright Jon, I'm going to get ready! Thanks again!" I smile and wave at him, heading out the door.

My phone buzzes as I'm walking back to my apartment and I check the screen:

Beth! It's Ben, I shot myself a text so I could send you a message first. :) anyways dear, Jane will be expecting a call from you and she will be at your home with a choice of dresses, and all of her hair and makeup products. At around 7 pm, I'll come pick you up and we can be on our way! Xox, Ben

I smile to myself as I walk up the stairs to my apartment and open the door before responding.

Alright, I can't wait! See you then! :)

I sit on my couch and play with my hair. What do I expect when the stylist comes? Will she think I'm not worthy of going to this? Will she refuse to do my hair and makeup? I sigh, and look at my phone, scrolling to her number. I guess I should call now....


Will Jane and Beth like each other?

Find out in the next chapter! :)

Love you guys!

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