Chapter 7

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Harry's POV

It's hard to see her go back, I just want her to be right next to me the whole day without getting interrupted. I just wish she'll be alright after that.

My phone rang as I walk to the porch. Seeing Danielle's name lit up makes me super happy.


"Hey, so did you get home safe?"

"Yup, just letting you know so you weren't worry about me"

"Alright then, well I gotta go now homeworks gotta kill me"

"I can help, want me to come over?"

"Yeah sure thought you never ask"

"Okay, I'll see you in 5 mins"

"Alright, love you"

"Love you too"

We hang up. It was really unexpected for her to ask if she could come over. But I was happy and excited, I really didn't like homework as much as Danielle does. Well lucky her.

I went to my room and grab all my homeworks and place them on top of my desk.

I was trying to figure Physics but I end up ... failed. Few minutes, there was a soft know on my door. I swung the door and the first thing I saw was Danielle.

"Hey" she hugged me 

"Hey beautiful" she smiled shyly, oh god she was cute

"So what homework were you doing?" she walks in as I shut the door, walking towards my desk and place a chair next to mine.

"Physics" I frowned

"Aw, you hate them don't you?" she knows me too well.

"Well, help me already" 

"Not after you kiss me here" she points her forehead, nose, cheeks and her adorable lips

I laugh softly as I did what she asked. Then she started lecturing me.

Hours went by as we changed subjects till I ended up on Algebra.

"Oh, I get it now. Why didn't i thought of that" I face palmed which made her giggle, so cute.

She yawned as she lay down on my bed, I walked towards her and layed down next to her messing with her hair. She looked up to me

"I'll just stay overnight here, my mom won't mind" she said as she close her eyes

"Are you sure, babe?" looking so surprised

"Yeah, Good Night Harry. I love you"

"Good Night Danny, I love you too" 

I covered her with my covers and duvet which she loves so much. As I sleep beside her, hearing soft slow snores out her mouth made me fall asleep.


Danielle's POV

I wake up to find Harry beside me, as I looked up to the clock next to his bedside table it read "6.20 a.m" . I quickly heaved myself, brushing my teeth and wake up Harry because he has exam for today on Physics which he study last minute.

"Harry" calling like singing so he could wake up.

"Harry wake up, you have exams today better not be late"

He won't wake up. So I kissed his left cheek then suddenly I felt a grip pulling me in bed again.

"Stay here with me" still closing his eyes

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