Chapter 6

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Danielle's POV

I woke up to see Harry but he wasn't there. I was yawning so hard I choked myself.

I heaved myself up to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. It didn't took long only about 4 mins you could say. Anyway, I head downstairs and peeked every corner of the room trying to spot Harry. No luck. So I gave up and went to the kitchen. This tall figure next to me ...

"BOO!" He had fork as fingernails.

"WTF?! Harry stop doing that!" I stumble to the floor my left and on my chest.

"Aw, did wittle Danny got scared?" He coo'ed

"Don't get my nerves on, Harry" I was almost pissed.

"I was just making it fun" He wrap his arm around my waist and puts his chin on my left shoulder while I was pouring milk in the mug.

"Well, it wasn't fun and not even funny, what if I had a mini heart attack?" I said

"You're not that old" He laughs

I though for a minute and wondered ...

"Where's Gemma and your mom?" searching for them at the backyard

"Gemma brought mom grocery shopping since nothing is in the frigde" he nibbles on a donut

"Where'd you get that donut?" I ask as asking for a bite

"Ah, ah, ah" He motions his index finger at me

"You have to gimme a kiss, then you'll get a bite" he said while putting the donut up high so I couldn't reach it.

"No!" I said playing in

"Then there's none for you" he almost ate all the donut, but I stopped him by kissing his lips

"Better?" I slowly pulled away

"Not good enough" then he bites all the donut in 

"Harry I was hungry that donut was the last food it had to make my day" almost crying and angry at the same time

"Aw don't cry, baby." He coo'ed

I chase over him until I ended up in his room. I was on top of him, my knees/legs trapped his hips, holding his both hand together in my left hand, I tickled him until he was crying.

"O-okay ..  hahaha .. s-stop ... hahaha .. your killing me Danielle!" I stopped but still in the same position, I let go of his hands. He rested for abit. He tackled me back

I can't stop groaning, I tried shoving him off but he was too strong for me.

"What the hell?! Harry stop it!" I turned to see Gemma standing near the frame door.

"Thank God your home Gemma" I hugged her

"I wasn't gonna stop him but the second thought, I thought he was raping you." She laugh leaving the room, then my stomach started to growl

"Ugghh, I'm freaking hungryyyyyy~" pulling the words longer so Harry caught my attention.

He picked me up and carried me bridal style, he brought me to the kitchen as i sat on the kitchen counter. Him shoving pasta to me

"Say 'Aaahh'" He motions the spoon like an airplane

"Aaaahhhh" he lands the spoon carefully in my mouth.

We had a great time together with Gemma and Harry's mom,Anne. But then we had to go to school.

*Skip school time because I'm lazy*

After school, I went to the parking lot to see my baby (precious car) still parked safely while Harry's car was just next to mine. I saw him leaning against his door car on the left.

"So, your going back today huh?" He said with a sad face on him

"Yeah, but don't worry. I'll be hanging out with you the rest of the day on weekends" I said trying to cheer him up, which I succeded.

"Alright, call me when you got home safely okay?" He said with a worried face

"Okay, I will. Bye, love ya"

"Bye, Love you too, love" 



That was long don't you guys think? Well hope you guys liked it. Oh and recently, I 'm using a computer to typed down this FF here .. Well off to bed I go. Night night.




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