Why me.. Why you..

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my fourth chick lit.. :P

it may never be as good as you're used to because i'm not particularly a chick lit writer. but, giving it a whirl with positivity. shoot me if this one isnt worth it. :P

Zoey Brandon was in a hurry today. She had to reach office before that annoying colleague, Jay Marks. Juvenile as it was, she couldn’t bear his smug little annoying smile. As she pulled her boots on, and put on her brown leather jacket, she called out to her roommate April Bloomwood.

“yo, barbie, hurry up, could you? Or you’re going to have to take the bus.” She threatened.

She took her helmet off the coffee table and got out of the house.

The house was a beautiful bungalow in New York that April and Zoey had got as a gift from their respective parents as a present. Hard as it was to get, that was the one thing that made Zoey happy about her father’s money.

“coming, coming. Please, don’t leave without me! I cannot take the bus and my car is yet to come from the garage!” April shouted as she rushed down the stairs.

Both girls had been best friends since childhood as their parents were friends. April liked to call the situation ‘cradle to grave’. Zoey thought that was too pink.

April took a sip out of the glass of juice Zoey had removed for her and hastily ran out of the house, pulling the door shut behind her.

She had a white shirt, with two buttons open from the top, and a baby pink skirt with pink boots. She pulled a pink fur coat on and reached Zoey.

“oh gosh, could you be anymore pink?” Zoey asked as she put on her helmet and slid on the vespa she had bought with her own money.

“actually, yes, I could.” April said, smiling.

The black huge motorbike made Zoey look smaller than she was, but, she managed the look very well.

She was dressed in jeans and a blue shirt, with brown boots, her wavy red hair were barely visible under the huge helmet, and she did not have a trace of make up on her clear face.

April on the other hand, had her straightened blonde hair, pinned up on one side and let loose on the other, and Chanel gloss on, mascara on, a lot of blush on, with Chanel heels.

Zoey made a face when she saw how April looked and said, “Woman, the way you look, you’re an insult to my vespa.”

“Zoey, is this necessary now? We’re both late. Just step on it.” She replied as she sat sideways on the bike.

Zoey handed her the spare helmet.

April just looked at it with questioning eyes.

“well, put it on!” Zoey said, impatiently.

“you’ve got to be kidding me! I am absolutely not wearing that! I don’t want my hair ruined!” April exclaimed.

“your hair or your head, lady, what’s more important?” Zoey asked, with an eyebrow raised.

“ugh. I hate you and I hate this bike.” April said, as she scowled and put on the helmet.

“hey, nothing about my bike! Not a word. When is your frigging car coming anyway, April?” Zoey said annoyingly as she balanced April and started the engine.

“don’t you have patience at all? I’ve booked it day before. It’ll at least take a day or two more.” April said, as she adjusted her coat.

“I’ll show you patience. Let’s see your patience when your car comes and I make you drive a living Barbie to her office. Oh wait, that’d be you!” Zoey said scornfully.

“Har har. Spare me the sarcasm, Zoey. I don’t need it.” April said sarcastically and smiled.

“Hey, it’s my job!” Zoey continued, “what is it that you do at your office anyway? It’s just a bunch of idiots dressed in formals, fake-smiling to each other all day long.”

April smacked Zoey on her back lightly and said, “I am a corporate agent, Zoey. Fake-smiling IS my job.”

Zoey just turned the speed on in response.

April let out a shout and gripped Zoey’s jacket tightly.

April then said, “Bitch.”

Zoey laughed it out.

Zoey presently stopped in front of a huge building, where April got down from the bike and took the helmet off.

On the 35th floor of the building, there was a board that read ‘CAMBRIDGE CORPORATE AGENCY LTD.’

“hope the lift isn’t working.” Zoey said, as she smirked at April’s disturbed hair do.

“I hope you crash.” April said, smirking in response.

“haha. See ya in the evening. I’ll pick you up at 6, in case our plan is still on, though I’d hate female-bonding over beer. Waste of beer.” Zoey said, and drove away. 

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