moist fart in mout as the gays jew eats my ass daddddyUntitled Part 3

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I walk to da sonic house and see that sonic was doing nipple squeeze with fox AND NOOT MEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS A BEG SUPRISE i grab sonic by da lip and go you no no shouold have gay sex with fox i break him up with him:(((((( i walk down street alll alone sad i had not da gay sex when i saw a knuckle with a big penis out and i go you the gay to QUESTION MARK!!!! he says no me not a knuckle i am your mommy im da knuckle s all along omg mommy da knucjkles i run home crying to see gay sonic dead in house with note with words on it i pick up the card boaurd and read the text it said everyone iis hate me i noo no da funny meme the dead i went Owo and put penic in corps after few hours i leave home and when i get home i take shoes off then put tem on the sock rack. i sat in coener and cry i sad :( why did sonec cheese on me i look at knuckles corops in the room i cry more whre is gay sonic where did he go then i realize he dead on roof not knuckles L( but if knuck is mommy what do i do know i take the gun up to head of myself i scream and stab self with the knife and go wowwowowowo that hurt alt :((((( i stop annd fuck my mommma wh is the tails all along if you remember and her eyeys were blood like creeepynoodle story and i went the aaaa i decid because of this is the right time to have the gay sonic on body and be gay sonic i crawl into sonic tender ass cheeks and walk round flappping my flaps if as i were himm. i miss gay sonic he was such good friend that love me and me the only i was proud to become him i go to tails and break up with him cause gay sonic bad the friend why did he date him while me????????? i then comfess love to tails i love yu i say you good friend and you pretty hahahahahahahahha i eat has ii balls and climb into his corps know im a triple funtime corps hehehehe but then my mom which was tails said that she kill daddy father???? to be the countinued 

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