Chapter Eight

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~ Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud

Chapter Eight

I watched as the last of the sun was covered up, the heat dramatically decreasing. I scrunched my nose up at the sky in disappointment, hoping that it was all a joke and bright yellow rays would shine through any moment again.

"Do you think Papa Smurf can use his magic to get rid of clouds for good?" I asked when I realised the clouds were very serious and would not clear out of the way any time soon.

Mike and I were lying on the grass, side by side, somewhere in the centre of the park. Mike had his hands under his head, while I had mine pointed at the sky, in the universal gun symbol, shooting at the sky. My efforts, obviously, went in vain. Ahead of us, possibly a metre, was a concrete walking path and in front of that was a circular pond surrounded by a gate. There was barely anyone around, probably because most people were smart enough to check what the weather was going to be like, but I didn't exactly have a choice.

"You have a very unhealthy obsession with the Smurfs," he commented with a chuckle. I observed his stomach bounce a small extent as he laughed.

"I'm still upset about Mum kicking us out half way through one of the episodes," I huffed, crossing my arms across my chest. I shivered as a light breeze blew our way, knocking Mike's hood off his head and the edge curled inwards as it hit the ground. It looked like it was tucked under his head, as if he put it like that himself to make a little cushion.

"Firstly, you've watched every single episode before, and I'm pretty sure you have that particular one memorised. Secondly, your parents needed to discuss something really important," he replied as he switched to his left side, using his hand to support his head, so that he was facing me.

"Yeah, to talk about me! Why should they get to choose what to tell or hide from me?" I smacked the ground either side of me in frustration. I wanted to use so much more physical violence, attack the next living thing (which was Mike) but I bit my lip, attempting to hold the anger in. There it was again, boiling up so rapidly out of nowhere.

"They just want to keep you safe," he said between blows to my reddened knuckles as he rubbed them. He was always there for me, rubbing at my wounds. Call me crazy, but it always felt like his touches were magic, healing away the pain in an instant.

He released one hand and went for the other, reaching over me as he bore some of his weight on me. We were in such an awkward position that I forgot to breathe for a second. He gently rubbed over my left hand and blew at my knuckles before letting go, then resumed his previous stance with his back against the grass next to me. The gesture distracted me from my anger and caused it to dissipate.

"Does it still hurt?" He asked, and then turned away from me, gazing up at the sky with his hands underneath his head again.

I stretched my fingers then put my hands in fists, repeating this movement several more times. "Err, nope. You really do have magic hands." I received another laugh in response and after a short silence between us, I spoke again, "she didn't even let me get changed properly! Just look at me."

"You look fine." His eyes were closed as he replied.

"Seriously though!" I pinched my top in the shoulder part and let go. "this top is so thin and my trousers need a bloody belt or it keeps slipping a little. And look at my hair! It's knotted all over, she didn't even let me brush it. I can't believe you sat with me in my room when I looked like this. And those bloody clouds took away the last of the warmth."

I could feel the anger building up again. It just came and went, just like that.

"Hestia! What's wrong with you? I can't keep up with your mood swings, just calm down, will you? Here, you can keep warm and cover your hair too!" With one swift movement, he took his dark grey hoodie off and threw it at me. "And what is with your deep hatred of clouds?"

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