8. Don't you ever tame your demons

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Omg we just reached 4K, I am so grateful for all of you, thank you for stickning with me, even when I barely update!<3
and btw my beautiful bestfriend drew Carlabeth (it is in the scenario when they first met, so a little spoiler, but I think you'll survive, I hope). And please read the A/N at the end of the chapter, it would be of big help! Thanks<3

Nico's PoV:

I don't think they saw us when they first arrived and seated themselves in one of the sofas, however we heard them.

"I really don't wanna do this, it doesn't feel right. its like something is crawling in the pit of my stomach begging to come out, but if I let it out it will only get worse. Ron , I think , said. He, Hermione and Harry was seated in the classroom and it seemed like they were discussing today's class.

Will and I had also come in a bit early, to prepare for the subjects we're breaching today. Right now we sat in one of the corners and kind of eavesdropping on the trio, but it wasn't like we were hiding, they just hadn't seen us.

"I know but I still think that it'll be good for us all to let out some steam, if only to talk about it. That is, very often, a great cope mechanism." Hermione said.

"Yeah you know, time heals all wounds and that stuff." Harry said. At this the door opened and all of the students started to flood in, the trio stayed put where they already were seated and seemed to be talking about something else. I and Will looked at each other.

"Welcome back class, I hope that you have had a good week. Todays class is going to be a little bit special, well at least, for half of you." Will started. The students looked curious of what that was suposed to mean.

"But first of we are going to pair you into the Groups you have chosen and then we are going to ask some questions and talk about a few things. All clear?" I said, and they nodded.

"so the Groups are the following:

Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger,

Neville Longbotton and Luna Lovegood,

Carla Heden and Beth Parker,

Telina Arrow, Zoey Reude and Steve Moore,

Draco Malfoy" just as the students noticed that it wasen't anybody else in Draco's group I heard several complaints.

"Draco I thought we were going to be a Group?"

"Yeah why are you by yourself?"

"Are you scar-"

"Enough!" boomed Will's voice and I remembered earlier this week.


"I just don't understand why we have to attent classes, I mean do you see any reason to learn subjects that we have absolutly no use of? Defence against Dark arts, is that some kind of mockery against me? Chiron sends us on a mission to teach Young kids, kids the same age as us, to deal with mouring of lost loves and friends when I'm not really sure how I'm handling it! and then we have to attend D.A.D.A. classes, like I haven't already dealt with not trusting myself with my own Powers and then-"

"Hey, hey calm down, breath for me Darling. That's it in, out" I didn't even realise I was breathing rappidly until Will took a hold of my shoulder. I looked into his royal blue eyes and calmed down a little bit further. Right now we stood in one of the corridors headed for, you guessed it, D.A.D.A.

"Now I know that this must be taking a toll on you, it is taking it's toll on me, but I am sure that we can go have a disscussion with the headmistress , see if we can skip that paricular class, but Nico I'm sure that the other classes are going to be intresting, in particular Care of Magical creatures" he rased one of his eyesbrows and smirked at me, I smiled a little smile back and he seemed to be satisfied. He gave me a quick peck on my lips and smiled big at me.

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