1. the quest

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(Edited, I hope)

a/n hey everybody who reads this. Nico and Will are together, just thought you wanted to know (;

The couples are: Romione Hinny and Nuna
(Draco isn't with Pansy, and not with anybody else either)
Percabeth Jiper Frazel Caleo (Solangelo) (and you know how it goes)
(Oh and Fred isn't dead)

-in camp-
Will's pov

For the first time in a long time, I was genuinely excited about something. Nico and I are going to participate on a quest together. Not only are Nico and I going alone, but the quest is also apparently taking place in England.

{Flashback to the Big house}

"I have a quest to both of you."Chiron started. Nico and I had been asked to stay behind after the meeting with all the head counsellors of the cabins. Now we sat with Chiron around the ping-pong-table.

"May I ask what this quest needs from us?", Nico asked.
"Yes, although it might be much more simple if you are given the background story of it all. Long story short you are going into a new world, a wizard world." Chiron answered.

"Hold on a sec!" , I almost shouted. "A wizard world like when wizards have sticks and robes and long triangular hats, that kind of world?"
"Yes that would be the case, Lady Hecate has already blessed you so you can do magic, you are even going to be better at magic than most of the wizard in your year.", Chiron said.

"Wait, you said year, as in school-year?" , Nico asked.
"Yes." Chiron smiled. He then began to tell us the story of how the wizarding world came to be. Lady Hecate's failed mission and Zeus forcing her to hide her children of magic from the rest of humanity. "Their headmistress of the school is named Minerva McGonagall she will tell you more about the wizards' experiences."

"Ehm... One question sir?", I said.

"What's the meaning of this quest?"

"Oh, good question William, you see the wizards were in war quite some time ago, and they never recovered, so Hecate would like to change the outcome."

I looked at Nico and he looked back at me, we were thinking the same thing.

"So, you mean that we are not only going to another country we are also going back in time?" Nico said sceptically. 

Chiron nodded: "That is what the quest requires of you." I stood up abruptly. 

"And I suppose you require Nico to shadow travel us there? Let me tell you something Chiron. He. Will. Not. His body can't handle it and even if he could I would not allow it." I said while glaring at him. He smiled at me and held up his hands.

"I know Will. I do not require that of Nico. Hecate will take care of the time-travelling, you are however responsible for getting to the train station. You're going to this school tomorrow, so pack your things. Hecate will visit you early tomorrow morning and then you shadow travel to the train station Kings Cross, when you're there you should notice some teenagers that are waiting there, they should show you the way to the school."

I nodded my acceptance. I looked at Nico and he smirked a little at me, but I could see his blush as well. But can you blame me for being protective? No, didn't think so. Nico looked over at Chiron.

"Could you please continue your explanation of why we are the ones going on this quest?"

"Your quest is to help them with their emotions so they can move on. You'll work undercover as transfer students and professors, only the headmistress and two professors know who you really are. But more information the headmistress shall tell you."

Nico and I nodded, that's enough information, for now, we left the big house to pack for our new quest.

{End of Flashback}

Right now I'm sitting on Nico's bed in the Hades cabin, waiting for him to get done so we can shadow travel to London. Hecate was here some time ago and time travelled us. Nico and I also spoke to Iris before we went back in time and she was kind enough to allow us to IM our friends and siblings from the year we left if we ever needed it. 

I look over to Nico when he packs his clothes and he looks so cute, his hair is a little too long and his eyes look over his room to see if he's forgetting something. Due to him being the only child of Hades for a long time he sat his cabin in time out, which means that everything would stay the same in his cabin when we time travelled. 

His eyes are so beautiful, that shade of brown/black, if you look right into them they start to show shades of blue and amethyst.

"Will, what are you looking at?", Nico ask.
I look over at him startled and look into his eyes.

"Nothing", I answered, "just looking."
"Yeah right.", he said smiling.

It became quiet while we just stared into each others' eyes until I broke it. 
"Are you looking forward to this quest?"

"Yeah, I suppose, I mean it's a new world and that's always exciting besides on this quest I got to be with the best person I know." I smiled softly at him.

Nico walked over to me and while hugging each other we shadow travelled to Kings Cross.

Hermione's POV

A new year, a new beginning. I couldn't understand that this was the last year at Hogwarts, just imagine how much my friends and I have been through, and now it's all coming to an end.

Just a couple of months ago the war had ended and some people still grieved, I know I did. I missed Tonks, Lupin, Dumbledore and all the others that we had lost during the war.

But I was still happy, happy for the wizards that had survived and who can now live on, it's nice to think about that sometimes when it's hard to keep the tears away, because that thought, that it was more people that survived than died, that's what keeps the tears away.

I was relieved that we got the opportunity to come back this year to finish the studying and the last tests that are needed to finish school.

Me, Ron, Harry, Ginny, Fred and George were at Kings Cross station and was about to step in through the portal that would take us to the Hogwarts Express when we saw something rather strange. Two boys, at our age, with muggle clothes on, stepped out from the shadows and began to look around until they spotted us and started going towards us.

Well, this will be interesting, I thought.

First chapter up people!

What do you think, should I continue?



Extra fact: I started writing this Dec 8 2015, and I forgot that I had started to write this... Hehe... So should I continue or not?

See you soon byee<33

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