10. She's Always Right

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   Between the sea of weary mothers begging for the ideal attire for their child as the kid kept wailing and snatching everything in its way, was Gru and Lucy. The couple attempted to hunt down the last bits of Halloween decoration the store could offer but their eyes kept wondering to the mayhem in the costume aisle that caused the place to rumble. Toddlers bawled after the worker claimed to no longer have the particular piece of clothing the child has been desiring since September, this caused the parents to go in a riot as they searched for another attire that would please their child. The whole aisle was its own thunderous sound of wailing, yelling, and its coward employees asking to find another costume again like a broken record. The redheaded turned to her husband as she whispered, "Good thing we bought costumes early!" Gru slowly nodded continuing to watch the chaos. "Come on," Lucy demanded softly. "I want to finish here before the line gets any bigger." The twin followed his wife through the congested store. Transportation through the aisles was difficult to achieve, for,  the couple kept crashing on to stranger's shoulders and repetitively apologizing. The ex-villain didn't wish to loose his redheaded wife in the sea of customers, therefore he reached out for her hand.  When their hands intermingled, Lucy turned her head to Gru and smiled warmly with the soft lips of hers. 

Gru's wife pulled him to the decoration aisle. The twin observed the variety of untouched ornaments which the store displayed. He chuckled to himself on how scary they appeared. When he committed half of his life being a villain, he witnessed and learned what was the real meaning to be scared. It was far more than some foolish plastic skeleton to scare little kids. "Look at this, honey." Her voice interrupted the bald man's thoughts. The redheaded agent carried a large plastic cauldron. "We can put this in the front yard nest to the scarecrows that the neighbors gave us." Explained Lucy excitedly. Before she turned her back, she added, "Which reminds me, we need to buy carving supplies. So on Halloween we'll be carving pumpkins like a family." She squealed. The redheaded dropped the cauldron on to the basket which she carried around her arm. Spotting for more decorations, she continued. "Your brother called me earlier this morning saying he'll be joining us for Halloween. And he is bringing Balthazar." The agent made sure to emphasize her last sentence clearly. The bald twin jerked his head to Lucy in disbelief.

 "What! But-" 

"Hey, hey, hey." She blurted, placing her finger on her husband's lips. "I don't want to hear any complaining Gru. He's your brother," Lucy grabbed a package of  fake vampire teethes, examining it. "You should start appreciating the fact that he's happy with Bratt. If you really payed attention you would understand how much they love each other." She placed the product back and turned to Gru. "Just like how we love each other." Her lips softly touched his. "Yeah, but he's a villain!" The ex-villain's thick accent peeked. "So were you when I met you." Lucy dropped a few fake blood packages in the basket as she strolled farther down the aisle with Gru following. "But I reformed myself." He touched his chest. "Bratt seems to be reformed as well. You need to let go of the past babe. Sure he was a maniac and obsessed about his show and the 80s. But that's the past, now he doesn't terrorize the city as much as he did long time ago." Lucy placed a few more decorations inside the basket.

"I know I don't have any experience with having a sibling nor a twin, but I'm telling you this from the bottom of my heart Gru. Make peace not war, ok?" Lucy smirked. Her husband placed his dainty hands of her bare  freckled shoulder. They stared at each others twinkling eyes. "I love it when you're right." Gru's husky voice said, leaning in for a kiss~

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2017 ⏰

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