17. Real Life

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Alina was dying inside. Her anxiety and excitement were battling each other in the pit of her stomach. She could barely breathe but she also felt like she was going to hurl. Her best friend, Caitlin, was feeling much the same way at the moment.

"So... What do we do first?" Caitlin asked. She ran her fingers through her brown hair, as if she needed to make it look better. Alina wondered if it was a nervous habit.

"Why don't we get in line to meet Alex?" Alina asked, smiling softly to herself.

"Okay." Her friend walked with her to the line, the two of them standing in it like statues, moving robotically as the line moved forward.

"We are awful." Alina laughed, wrapping an arm around her best friend.

"Anxiety fucking sucks." Caitlin breathed.

"Look, we're next." She said, smiling. The person ahead of them moved out of line and all of time seemed to stop. Alina could see Alex, looking sexy and happy and like a Greek God.

He smiled at her, friendly and polite, until he realized who she was. His eyes widened and he stood from the table, alerting everyone around.

"Lina?" He asked, the name a whisper for only her to hear.

"Hi, Alex." She said, waving slightly. She felt so small now, like a child. Maybe she was one, deep down.

Alex broke out into a grin and moved from the opposite end of the table. He wrapped his arms around her tightly, his face nestled against her neck. One hand entangled it's fingers in her blue hair.

"Damn, Alex." Alina laughed, although tears threatened to break from the corners of her eyes. His scent was so pure and perfect, she felt full and happy. She felt safe and warm.

"What the fuck is going on?" Caitlin asked, blue eyes wide and mouth open like a fish.

Alina laughed and wiped at her eyes, turning to face her best friend. Alex's arm didn't move from around her.

"I didn't tell you because I wanted to surprise you so please don't hate me but... My Alex is this Alex. The Alex I texted about a Jack Fanfiction is the Alex Calvert." She looked to Alex, blushing to see he was already looking at her.

"Oh my god... You lucky bitch." Caitlin said, mind still boggled.

Alina laughed, the sound sounding like pure music to Alex's ears. He gave her side a slight squeeze and placed a kiss at the top of her head.

"I need to get back to this. Maybe we can get dinner? All three of us." He said, forcing himself to back away from the girls.

Alina nodded. Tears were spilling from her blue eyes by now. "Okay, okay, yeah, sounds good."

"Good. I'll text you." He told her, sitting back down at his seat.

"I'll reply." She smiled and walked out of line. She had met a celebrity she so much adored and met the guy she formed a friendship with all at the same time. And she got to experience it with her best friend. What more could she ask for?

A/N: This is prewritten so I don't ever do this but holy hell my babies finally met! I'm so excited to play this all out.

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