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            Every thing about my life has always been hell. I live with an abusive uncle because no one in my family wanted me when my father died and he was the latest person that I'd been shipped of to. On the outside, we were this oddly perfect family. The uncle who took in his ophaned niece and loved and adored her. No one ever saw the bruises. He was always careful to hit me where it wouldn't show. he never hit my face, arms or legs, beacuse some one would notice. I was a quiet girl and always kept to myself, so I don't know why everyone hated me.

            I always was the last person in the change rooms for gym, so I was surprised when I saw that I wasn't today. As I came in she looked up from her phone.

            "Hi Jane." I greeted her.

            "Hey Sarah." She returned.

            "You gonna change? Class starts in five minuetes." I told her peeling off my top and reaching for my gym top. All of a sudden I heard her gasp. At that moment I realized two things: 1) I'd forgotten about the bruises that covered my back and sides and 2) Jane had still been looking at me when I pulled my top off.

            "Sarah! Who did this to you? And don't tell me no one hit you, some of those bruises are a couple of weeks old, they've already turned green!"

            I whirled around. my top still in my hands. "You can't tell anyone about this! Please Jane, just pretend you never saw them."

            "Come on Sarah! Tell me who did this. It can't keep happening, this is abuse."

            "If you say anything to anyone it'll only get worse. Please promise me you won't say anything." I begged her. I should've just waited until she was gone to change.

            "Why? Why should I promise you that? Whats the point of knowing about it and not doing anything, you being abused Sarah, why should I let whoever's doing this to you continue to do so?"

            "Because for the first time since my fathers' death I'm actually happy! I like it here, I like this school, I like my classes. If you say anything I'll have to move again! this is the longest I've been in one place since daddy died. I put up with it so I can stay here, so I can be happy! Please don't take that away from me!"

           "How can you be happy here at this school? You don't have any friends, and you never make an effort to make any!"

            "My mother was born here! She went to this school! This school is the only connection I have to her! I don't want to leave that. Please Jane, don't tell anyone."

            She studied me for a moment and then sighed. "Fine. I promise I won't tell anyone about this. I gather from what you've said that it's your uncle who beats you like this?" She asked grabing her gym clothes out of her bag.

            "Yeah." I said pulling my top on.

         "Girls! Are you going to come out of here any time soon?" Our gym teacher came around the corner of a part of the change room.

           Jane and I looked at one another and then the teacher. She had heard us, heard our conversation, all of it.

           "Teach," Jane ventured. "You're not gonna tell anyone about what we were talking about are you?"

           Teach - yes she prefered that to anything else - looked at the both of us then sighed. "I won't as long as both of you promise to take a martial arts class after school."

            Jane nodded but I shook my head. "I can't." Teach looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "I can't afford it Teach, they're expensive."

            "I do beleive that one of the martial arts schools nearby has a special deal for two people, as long as you get a job, I'm sure you and Jane could take the lessons together."

            "I have a better idea, but I'll run it by my mother first. In the meantime, I think there's an opening at the diner mom owns if you're intrested in a job. It'll get you away from him for a bit." Jane offered

            I nodded. "Thanks Jane, I'll put in my resume, today on my way home."

           "Now that that's seteled, finsh changing. Sarah I want to see these bruises you have after class. If this has been going on since you came here I'm sure it doesn't stop you from doing anything in class. I take it this would explain the broken ribs a couple weeks ago? Instead of you falling down the stairs like the note said?"

            I grinned a little sheepishly. "No, I really did fall down the stairs. I didn't see our cat and tripped on him. needless to say I now make sure he isn't at the top of the stairs when I'm in a hurry." I quickly changed into my gym shorts and we left the chang rooms.

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