Lunch with a new gang

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"Surely someones carried you like this before?"

            "Only my dad, and he only did it when i made him play with me when i was little." I mumbeled into his shirt. I felt him twist and lean against the girls change room door.

            "Which one's your locker?" He asked.

            I looked aroundand pointed. "That one over there."

            "Here you go," he said placing me on the bench next to my locker. "I'm gonna go get changed too. I'll holler before I come back in." he turned around, and started to leave.

            "Hey Aaron?" I called. He paused but didn't turn around. "Thanks."

           I saw a corner of his mouth turn up in a smile. he lifted his hand in a sort of wave. "It's no problem Sarah. Besides, it's my fault you got injured." And with that he left.

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I quickly changed out of my gymstrip. Well, as quickly as I could without standing up. When Aaron called into the changeroom to see if I was done changing I was just pulling my shirt over my head.

"You can come in." I called through the fabric of my shirt. "I'm pretty decent."

"Pretty decent? You either are or you aren't." He came around the corner as I was oulling my shirt over my stomach. "Oh, that's how." I had a feeling he'd seen my bruises but he didn't question them. Maybe he thought they were from dodgeball. Oh well, I need to stop being careless about people and seeing my bruises.

"Reading to be carried my lady?" Aaron said with a slight bow.

"Why of course, my lord." I teased him, with a slight nod of my head. Without further warning he swept me up into his arms. I shrieked in surprise and threw my arms around his neck, so that I wouldn't fall out of his arms. He grinned.

"Not scared are we?"

I scoffed. "No, you just startled me. I wasn't expecting it."

"How could you not?" He asked bending over with me still in his arms to grab my bag. Somehow he managed to sling it over his shoulder whithout droping me. I really felt like I was going to fall out of his arms when he did that and I buried my face in his shirt. Huh, he smells like watermelon and freshly cut grass. Weird.

"Don't do that Aaron," I told him. It came out all muffled 'cause my face was still buried in his shirt. He really did smell goood. I shivered suddenly. "I'm cold Aaron, could you grab me sweater out of my bag please?" This usually happened to me after gym class, as my body cooled off. Aaron paused and managed to get his hoody off and around me.

"Here, altough I'm not sure why you're cold, we just had gym and it's a nice sunny day out."

"It's 'cause we had gym that I'm cold. Thanks."

"It's no problem Sarah." He turned and opened the doors to the cafeteria. "Did you bring a lunch or are you buying one?"

"I brought one, my uncle prefers it when I make my own lunch. I can hold your tray if you want to buy some lunch yourself though."

He grinned. "Alright."

He brought me over to lunch ladies. I waved at them as usual. "Hello ladies." Aaron greeted them.

"Ooo, looks trish, Aaron's finnaly caught himself a gal."

"And such a pretty one too." Trish agreed. My face went red, and I'm pretty sure Aarons' did as well beacause Trish squealed. "Oh, look Manda, they're blushing!" I hid my face in Aarons' shirt again.

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