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  • Dedicated to Renegades0ul

This one's for my friend Ren for helping me solve a problem that's been bothering me for a while.

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  During gym class I noticed Jane and Teach watching me closely. I groaned to myself, the next time I was close to Jane I hissed at her.

            "Stop staring at me! People are going to notice, and then they'll start asking questions you can't answer!" I ducked a ball that was thrown at my head. Yeah, Teach is making us play dodge ball. Bit immature for us seeing as we're in high school and all, then again it's still fun to watch boys try to knock each other out with the ball.

            I ducked another ball. "So do you have any ideas on what type of martial arts we should take?" Jane asked me, jumping a ball aimed at her knees.

            "I've always wanted to do three different types of martial arts, tea kwon do, kung fu and tia chi, but i've never been able to afford any of them."

            "Hmm. Let's do tai chi. I have a cousin who can teach us. I haven't seen him in a while so it'll give us some family time to. I've watched him go through his routine several times, and I'm always so calm afterwards and I'm just watching him. I've always wondered what he felt like, and now I have a chance to see for myself. I'm actually really happy that Teach is making us do this."

            I grinned. "So am I." I saw a ball coming at us and shoved her out of the way. The ball slamed into my stomach and I fell to my knees. The wind knocked out of me, I just knelt there, struggeling to breath. I felt a hand on my shoulder and flinched away from it, thinking for some reason that it was my uncle Stue, or as I called him in my head Achmid. Yes I compare my uncle to a terrorist, but hey, anyone who is weak enough to hit a girl unless they're teaching her to fight is a terrorist in my mind.

             "Sarah! Oh my God. I'm sorry Sarah. I didn't mean to hit you that hard. Are you all right?" Aaron, one of Janes friends was kneeling in front of me. When I saw how close he was to me I flinched away from him.

            "I'm alright Aaron, just a bit breathless. You have a good arm." He held out his hand to me and pulled me to my feet.

            "Thanks. I'm sorry about hitting you like that, I didn't mean to."

            "It's alright Aaron. Next time, just stick to taking out the boys." I took a step intending to head to the benches as I was out, but my knee gave out. "Ouch!" I said as my slamed into the ground again.

            "Here," Aaron said. He picked me up and carried bridal style to the benches.

           "Aaron! Put me down you big oaf!" He chuckled.

           "Alright. Here you go Princess." He placed me on the bench. "Let me look at that knee. Being in baseball and all, I've got a fair bit of experiance with injuries." He pushed my shorts to just above my knee (they were to big for me and went down to under my knee, but they were the only ones the school had even close to my size). Aaron poked around my knee asking me if it hurt and how much when it did.

          "Well, Princess. It's just badly bruised. However, I would suggest you stay off of it for the rest of the day. I'll go get you an ice pack and the crutches from the office. I'll be right back. you stay right here. Don't move."

            I sat there and wondered why Aaron kept calling Princess. Jane startled me when she plunked herself down beside me.

            "Someone finally hit you huh?"

            "Yeah, well, I didn't have you there to push me out of the way of the ball. Thanks for that by the way."

           "You're welcome."

           "How's your knee?"

            "Aaron says it's just bruised. He went to get some ice and a pair of crutches. Well speak of the devil." I said and grinned as he came back in the gym.

            "Here you go Princess. Five minuets on fifteen off. Keep repeating that till the swelling goes down or it's no longer cold." He sat down on my other side. "All the crutches are gone, so I guess I get to carry you for the rest of the day. I'll drive you home so we can stop by my place. You can borrow my crutches till it's safe for you to walk again. Do you mind sitting with us at lunch? I'm pretty sure no one else will right Jane?"

            She nodded. "Alright." I said. "I wouldn't mind sitting with you guys. It's not like I sit with anyone anyways."

          "I'm going to go ask Teach if it's alright for you to carry her into the change seeing as she can't walk and there are no crutches. She might as well go change if she can't participate in the rest of the class." Jane got up and walked over to Teach. After a couple of minuets of her waving her hands and pointing at us she turned around and gave a thumbs up.

           Aaron chuckled and picked me up. I squeaked and clutched the front of his shirt, causing him to chuckle again. I hid my face in his chest so he couldn't see the blush on my face.

            "Surely someones carried you like this before?"

            "Only my dad, and he only did it when i made him play with me when i was little." I mumbeled into his shirt. I felt him twist and lean against the girls change room door.

            "Which one's your locker?" He asked.

            I looked aroundand pointed. "That one over there."

            "Here you go," he said placing me on the bench next to my locker. "I'm gonna go get changed too. I'll holler before I come back in." he turned around, and started to leave.

            "Hey Aaron?" I called. He paused but didn't turn around. "Thanks."

           I saw a corner of his mouth turn up in a smile. he lifted his hand in a sort of wave. "It's no problem Sarah. Besides, it's my fault you got injured." And with that he left.

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Sorry it's been so long since I last updated. I just moved and the new place looks like a bomb went off in it. I'll try to update once a week, but there are no garuntees.

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