Car ride

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I'm Sorry it's been so long! There have been lot's of things happening in my life and I just haven't had the time to upload! I'll try to upload more often, but things are still hectic and I my not be able to again for a while.

Anyway here's the chapter. Enjoy. LLL.

"Huh? Oh, right." He swung my bag onto his shoulder and picked me up again. Ignoring the stares we were getting he walked out of the cafeteria.

"You know," I said, "We'd get less stares if you were piggy backing me."

"True, but then where would all our books be? They're not all gonna fit in your bag."

I sighed. "I forgot about those. Alright, I'll carry them. Actually, better idea, why don't we just share mine?'

He nodded. "Good idea."

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We got alot of stares when Aaron moved to sit next to me, the loner girl. Maybe even more then when he carried me. Despite the fact that we were sharing my books, he still wouldn't pigyback me.

"So. could you possibly tell me why you're covered in bruises? They're not from dodgeball, I was the only one that hit you."

"So you did see them. I was wondering. My uncles got this cat and I swear the thing is out to get me. It's like a white fluffball of pure evil. Anyway, it likes to trip me and it recently did it right at the top of the stairs. Needless to say, I fell down them. It hurt quite a bit." my uncle really does have a cat that's out to get me.

"Yeah, I can see that. Maybe you should look and see if it's there first?"

"Nope, it runs out of nowhere. I never see it 'till it's to late."

 "Smart cat. To bad it doesn't like you. That's the last bell for the day. Do you  need to go to your locker for anything?"

"Only my house keys. I leave them in there so I don't have them bothering me all day."

"Right then." He scopped me up and carried me to my locker. I leaned over and put in the combo. I was getting used to leaning away from him to do this, so it wasn't as scary as when he'd bent over in the changeroom. I grabbed my keys and tossed in the books I wouldn't need for homework, then I paused.

"Are we going to your locker to get your books Aaron?"

"What for?"

"You have homework too. How are you going to do it if you don't have the textbooks with you?"

"Hmm good point. Maybe I'll take you home and we can do the homework together."

"Better go to your place, Mine's not exactly presentable. Plus there's that cat..."

"Again, good point. Open that door will yah?" We were at his car.

"Bend down so I can reach the handle then. You're too tall."

He did so and I opened the door. He placed me in the seat then did my seatbelt up for me. He tossed our bags in the backseat.

"You're lucky I don't have anything fragile in there." I told him as he climbed in the drivers seat. "Otherwise you'd be in big trouble. Twice as much if it was broken."

"Well then. Better make sure you don't put anything fragile in there while I'm carrying it around for you then. Or it's sure to get broken." He grinned at me.

I smacked him upside the head as we were at a stop sign. I wouldn't have done so otherwise.

"Keep doing that and my brain's gonna have a permenant bruise."

"Maybe it'll nock some sense into you."

"All it's doing is giving me a headache. And maybe nocking sense out of me." He flung his arm out to stop me from flying forwards as he slammed on the brakes to avoid hitting a racoon.

"Sorry 'bout that. Forgot to warn you. That racoon always jumps out in front of my car. There's a bit of bread in the back. Can you get it for me?"

I twisted around and saw a half loaf of bread in the back seat. I grabbed it and passed it to Aaron. He broke off a chunk of it and breaking the chunk into smaller peices tossed it out of the window.

"You know it'll keep doing that as long as you keep feeding him."

"Probably, but I've been feeding him for about three years. I'm not going to stop now, it'd kill him."

We pulled up outside his house. He hurried up to the front door and unlocked it before coming back to the car. He grabbed our baags and scopped me up again.

"You know, if you keep carying me around like this, you're going to have a bad back."

"Na, you're light. Besides, I like carrying you around, that way I can say I've got a pretty girl in my arms." I flushed, and smacked his chest. No one had ever called me pretty before, except my parents.

"I'm serious Aaron."

He frowned. "So am I. I really don't mind Sarah." He looked like he was trying to figure something out. "From the blush on your face I'm assuming no one's ever told you that you're pretty before."

I shook my head. "Just my parents. And parents are supposed to tell their daughters that."

"Well I think you are quite beautiful. And I won't hear a word agianst it either Sarah," He  added, seeing I was about to protest. "You are beautiful inside and out. I couldn't be prouder to be the one who gets to carry you around."

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So yeah, I was feeling like a little kid today and pissed off my grandmother! Ive got to go now because i annoyed her by hitting the space bar loads of times.

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