t w e n t y f o u r

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I got home and I rushed into my living room in tears of hysteria, knowing that someone I thought was my friend and the history that we have together could actually think such a horrible and hurtful about me really pains me inside. I got out my phone and looked for my sisters contact and I rang her hoping it wasn't too early in the morning where she was and that she would actually pick up the phone to me
'I'm about to go out Raye what's up?' She asked me quickly clearly in a hurry
"C-could I come and live with you?"
'What's wrong Raye? Have you been crying?' Val asked me with concern
"Um y-yeah" I sigh slightly while hyperventilating also just a little
'Well what's wrong is it Joe?' She asked
"No not Joe. Someone else. So can I?"
'You're serious aren't you?' She asked and I nodded my head quickly realising that she couldn't actually see me
"Yeah I'm serious I'll get a job and I'll pay rent don't worry I won't just live off of you and Tye." I told her quickly
'I'm sure Tye will be fine with it so yeah you can come and live with us you can have the spare room, it's a little cramped but there is enough room for you to have your things in.' Val explained
"Thank you Val I owe you. When shall I fly over?" I asked her a lot more calmly this time
'Whenever you're ready.' She said
"How about Tuesday?" I asked her
'That's fine, depending on what time it is I'll probably be at work but I'm sure Tye can pick you up and take you to the house.'
"Thanks Val."
'No problem see you Tuesday.' Val then ended the phone call and I put my phone on the seat next to me. I then got out my laptop and looked for a one way ticket to America so I could fly out and stay with Val and Tye. While I was looking for cheap flights there was a quick and continuous knocking at my front door and when I got up to answer it I saw Simon standing on my step all flustered and out breath, I looked behind his shoulder and saw that his car wasn't parked outside which made me realise that he had ran to the flat but I just wasn't interested so I went to close the door on him but Simon stuck his foot in the gap of the door and started to plead with me to let him in.
"Raye please just let me talk!" He begged
"Foot." I said which made him move I then slammed the door on his face and I sat down on the floor leaning my back against the door and my knees pulled up to my chest; I wasn't sitting like that for long because before I knew it Simon was pushing the door open which made me stand up quickly in shock due to him getting into my flat. He then put my spare key that I had given to Freya on the little black table by my door.
"Just leave Simon." I sighed as I walked into the living and sat back down on the sofa pulling the laptop lid down slightly so that he couldn't see what I was looking at.

Simon stared at me for a little while which kind of creeped me out a little
"What?" I asked him in anger
"N-nothing it's just that your eyes are red. You've been crying." He said while pausing
"Yeah I wonder why(?!)" I roll my eyes
"I've never made a person cry before because of my actions." He said
"Well congratulations you have finally made someone cry now Simon are you happy?!" I snap at him as I sit down on my sofa
"Course not that's not who I am I'm not a horrible person and it pains me even more to see that it was you out of all people that I made cry especially since I-"
"You what Simon!" I snap at him
"Doesn't matter." He sighed as he sat on the little chair by my window
"We'll come on then, talk to me." I say
"I was drunk and I-"
"That's no excuse! That's always what people say and I'm sick of people blaming their actions on fucking alcohol!" I sat in frustration to him
"I know and I'm sorry Raye but at the time I was jealous because you were spending all of your time with Harry and I guess it made me think of when we hung out at Upload because you smiled and laughed in the exact same way that you did with me." He said a little sadly
"You has a fucking girl with you all night Simon! Christ you even went shopping for matching Halloween outfits together that very same morning what more do you want from me?! Do you want me to just talk and hang out with you?" I asked him
"No course not! You can talk and see who you want."
"Then why with you do I feel trapped? Like I can't see or meet new people without out making you upset or jealous and we aren't even a couple."
"I know and I'm sorry." Simon said as he came and sat down next to me. I followed his gaze as he saw the screen of my laptop and lifted up completely before I stopped him from seeing it.
"California?!" He exclaimed in shock
"I'm going to see my sister and her husband I'm staying with them for a while." I say after I have calmed down
"For how long? How long is a while?" He asked and I just sat in silence waiting for him to get the hint that I was planning on moving out to America.

"I won't let you live there!" He said in clear upset
"It is not your choice Simon you don't have a say in this, I've booked a one way ticket and I'm planning on staying with my sister for a while until I feel like I want to come back here but I'm selling this place until I feel that it's right to move back to London." I explain
"You can't leave Raye! That's not how it's supposed to be with us!" He snapped
"Oh yeah and how is it meant to be! Like a Disney fairytale? Because those aren't real Si and I'm not going to live in a fake fantasy when I could be doing something new and something good for me." I tell him honestly
"So where does that leave us?" He asked
"Ruined that's where. The moment you stopped caring for me is the moment this whole thing escalated into something so bad that I have to leave the country."
"You don't have to leave. No one is forcing you to go." He said
"No but I want to go. I don't want to stay here anymore." I say I then stand up and walk with Simon to my front door where I watch him leave with no goodbye or anything those were the last words that I said to him. I closed the door and sat on the floor sobbing my eyes and heart out until I had nothing left to feel angry and upset about.

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