t h i r t y

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(*Two months later*)

I was sitting on my bed with my head leaning up against the headboard editing a video on my laptop for my YouTube channel, Harry had convinced me to create a channel because he said that I would enjoy it so much and at first I wasn't sure but he was right I am enjoying it so much I mean I don't have many subscribers, I have about eight hundred thousand and that was way more than I thought I would ever get in two months but I love doing this so much. Harry walked into my room with a slight smile on his face he lied next to me on my bed with his head lying on my thighs and I ran my fingers through his head with my right hand and then he took hold of my left hand and held it in his.
"I'm thinking of going out tomorrow to film a video do you want go come?" Harry asked me but I just wasn't really paying attention I had to many things on my mind, "Raye? Did you hear what I said?" He asked me
"I'm thinking of moving back to London." I blurt out to Harry which makes him let go of my hand and sit up quite quickly; he knew that this was so important and something that we would both have to talk about together.
"Why now?" He asked me curiously
"I don't know I guess- *sigh* I feel like now is the right time to move back because I've got a clear head and I've got you. I won't be worried about Simon or anyone else I can just focus on you and what's best for us." I say
"And you think that moving to London is what is best for the both of us?"
"Yeah, obviously I won't get my old flat back because someone has already brought it but that's fine because I want a new start so I'll probably get a flat in the same building as Will, Cal and Gee. So what do you think?" I asked
"When do you want to leave?" He asked
"I don't know? A few weeks maybe? I have to actually buy the flat and sort everything out first." I tell him seriously
"Alright well lets go back to London. I don't understand why you don't just move in with me?"
"Don't take this the wrong way babe but we have been dating for two months I think moving in with each other would be way to quick and would like we're applying something." I say
"Yeah true. Alright well you best start looking at flats then." He smiled as he kissed me, he then got his laptop and we started to look at flats together that would be suitable for me and would be close Harry.

(*Time Skip*)

After hours of searching I settled on a flat in the same building as Gee and Will which I knew Gee would be excited about when I told her about it. I decided to get changed because I was going over to my sisters to tell that I was moving she knew that me living in America was only temporary but the twins would be heart broken.

 I decided to get changed because I was going over to my sisters to tell that I was moving she knew that me living in America was only temporary but the twins would be heart broken

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I did two space buns in my hair and then quickly set off to go and see my sister and tell her about moving back home to England. When I arrived to the door I was about to knock when I heard screaming, crying and shouting coming from the other side and with no hesitation I opened the door to see Val and Tye arguing in the kitchen while the kids were crying in the living room, I rushed to the twins both and calmed them down before I shut the door I then walked into the kitchen slowly and coughed to let them know I was here. I looked at my sister and could tell that she had been crying as well as the kids.
"What's happened? Why were the kids crying?" I asked seriously, Val just gave Tye a dirty look and then turned to me
"Tye here slept with another woman two weeks before our wedding." Val said with clear hurt in her voice
"But that was five years ago." I say
"Val please can we just talk-" Tye begged her as he went to take hold of her hand but she pulled away from him
"I don't want to talk. I'm done with talking about this and I'm especially done talking to you." Val snaps as she leaves the kitchen I swiftly follow her into the living room where he picks up the kids and puts their shoes and coats on.
"Val where are you taking the kids?" Tye asked in despair
"Away from you." She said bluntly
"Raye say something!" Tye begged me
"Val you can't just leave they are his kids as well." I plead with her
"Don't care." She says and I didn't know what else to say she had already finished getting the kids ready. She picked them up again and headed for the front door when Tye went to grab Oakley from Val almost making her drop Mason on the floor.

"Valery! You can't!" He shouts as I watch helplessly while they both fight over the kids
"Let go!" She screams at him violently, eventually Val wins and the kids start to cry as well as Val
"Daddy!" Mason cries out which gets Oakley's attention and she does the same
"Daddy!" She cries hysterically as well as tears falling down my face while I watch my sister get into her car with two crying heartbroken and confused babies.

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