Chapter three:

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I lost Sierra and Max in the sea of people. It was so crowded in the first two floors. I got aggravated being crowded by people I didn't even know. I went up to the third floor to get away and pulled out my phone to try and get up with Max and/or Sierra. I zipped up my jacket as I looked for a bathroom. I let out a scream as I was thrown over a shoulder and sparks shooting through me. I started punching and screaming "PUT ME DOWN DAMMIT!" I was thrown on a bed and the only source of light left as the door was closed. I backed up until my back hit the head rest. The bedside light all of a sudden flashed on causing me to shield my eyes. I was pulled by my ankle to lay down flat. I looked at my attacker to see Alex. I kicked at him trying to get him away but he climbed on top of me fear settled in me. "LET ME GO!" i screamed as he kissed my neck causing a moan to escape my lips "NO STOP!" I cried out Alex pulled back to look me in his eyes "Shut up and enjoy this PRINCESS" he growled at me and for some reason I saw a younger him tearing my clothes apart. I seemed to of blacked out until I heard the tearing of my clothes. Next thing i know my hand connected with Alex's face and ran out of the room. I ran blindly through thee house tears running down my face until i ran into someone. I looked up to see Mason, Max, and Sierra. They had worry in their faces and Max took off his shirt putting it on me "What happened?" Sierra asked as they took me to the car "I want to go home now." was all that came out of my mouth.

The ride to my house was silent as everyone kept looking at me worriedly. "Stop looking at me like that." I said not meaning to be mean but I don't know how to handle what happened. When we pulled up to my house i just ran in leaving them in the car. I slid down the door as i cried. Why did that seem so familiar? Why was he trying to have his way with me? I wish my brother was here. I went and laid in his bed his scent comforting.

I woke up to hearing the bedroom door opening. I looked up to see a man with dark black hair, pale skin, and deep brown eyes."Who are you?" I asked as he came towards me. "Why have you been crying?" He asked as he got closer but I backed away "Who put these marks on you?" he seemed to his as he moved my jacket showing hickeys and scratches. I popped his hands away which made him chuckle. "Who are you?" I asked again looking into his eyes that seemed to draw me in. "I am your brothers boss. His secretary couldn't make it tonight to check on you so i offered to do it since I was the one who sent him away." He said. "I-I am sorry for being so rude." I said blushing pulling my torn jacket closed. "No need to be sorry I was the one who came in as a stranger. Besides your brother was worried because he couldn't get up with you and some guy answered your phone." he said "Oh by the way I am Zane." He said "Yani."I said sticking my hand out to him. His big hand took my tiny one and sparks exploded through me causing me to look up at him. "You feel that too?" he asked smiling at me. I nodded in a trance of how good the sparks felt. Next thing I know I felt his soft lips on mine. I should push him away but I cant. I don't want to. I kissed this man back. He moaned against my lips. I wanted more. No I needed more. I tangled my hands in his hair.

Zane's POV

 I sat  at my desk going over the paper work for up coming business I will have with a competitive company. My office phone rang  I just let it ring until it stopped. Office hours at over so I have no reason to answer.  My cell phone rang "This better be important." I huffed running my hand through my hair. "Please go by My house and check  on my sister that son of a bitch has her phone." Zen growled into the phone. Clearly his wolf was about to take over. "I don't know how they found her but I will kill every single one of them if they hurt her." he said menacingly. "Who Zen?" I asked confused. I knew of their past  but he never involved me in it.  "The son of a bitch of an ex beta"  Zen exclaimed. "The only reason I am asking you to take care of her is because you are one of the strongest devils alive and the only person I trust to protect her." Zen said. "I will go check on her now. " I said. He was my best friend even if he is a wolf. "Thank you and go a head and stay the night there since it is so late." Zen said before hanging up. I hurried up packing my work and left the building to go to his house.

Once I arrived to the  house I smelt the most amazing smell I could ever smell. I smiled. My mate is  close by. I wanted to  leave and find her but first I have to take care of my bestfriends sister. I opened the door with the key he gave me a while ago in case of an emergency. The smell got stronger as  I got farther into the house. I tried to focus as I searched each room looking for any presence in the house. I finally found a tiny form in what looks like Zen's room. The tiny form sat up quick. I fell in love  with this tiny princess, no goddess. I took in her appearance. I saw hickeys, scratches, and torn clothes. Who the hell did this? They will fucking die. "Who are you" she asked fear in her eyes. Her voice was like music to my ears.  I looked at her tiny face that was tear stained ""Why have you been crying?" I asked moving closer to her bus she backed away trying to keep a distance."Who put these marks on you?" i asked moving the jacket to give me full view of the hickeys and scratches on her pale skin. She popped my hands away which made me let out a small chuckle, she is adorable. "Who are you?" she asked again looking deep into my eyes"I am your brother's boss. His secretary couldn't make it tonight to check on you so I offered to do it since I was the one who sent him away." I said hoping that it was beliveable. "I-I am sorry for being so rude." she said blushing while pulling her torn jacket closed. "No need to be sorry I was the one who came in as a stranger. Besides your brother was worried because he couldn't get up with you and some guy answered your phone." I said "Oh by the way I am Zane." "Yani."she said sticking her tiny hand out towards me I took her hand in mine and I felt the most intense shock. I wanted to moan as my mind kept repeated 'mate'. "You feel that too?" I asked and she nodded slowly. I couldn't stop myself. I kissed her and moaned at her taste of strawberries. Her tiny hands tangled in my hair. I groaned at the sensation.

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