Chapter 8

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Zane's POV

I entered the demon world after making Zen promise me he will protect my mate and take her to my house where my mine could help protect her. I will destroy that pack at no means. I looked where my portal took me. I was in front of the Demon Kings  castle. It was six stories high and made with dark oak wood. I entered the front door to see the familiar blue and white marbled floors.  A butler was there to greet me. "Hello master Zane how may I service you today?" he asked. He was an older man about  thirty  in human years but in reality could be hundreds even thousands of years older. " I need to see the king as soon as possible" I said. "I am sorry but the king wont be here until Tuesday" the butler said. "What day is it now?" I asked agitated. "Friday" He answered "Fuck!" I said as I ran my hand through my hair. "Please get me a room together and gather up the third in command I need to talk to him." I said  as I headed towards the kitchen. As I opened the door I ran into Mags. Mag is my ex lover who still has a thing for me. Don't get me wrong she is model runway ready with her tall slim frame, brown eyes, and golden hair but, she isn't my mate. "Zaney I didn't know you were coming!" she squealed hugging me. I did not hug her back. "Why are't you hugging me? she asked the smiled at me "Does daddy want puppy to beg?" She asked seductively in my ear earning a growl of approval to emit through my chest. 'No! Zane she isn't our mate. We are here on duty' I scolded myself ashamd for even being turned on by Mags. "I am here on duty" I said stepping from her grasps. "What kinds of duty Zaney?"She asked stepping closer to me. "My mate" I said  she looked up at me angerly at the mention of a mate more specific my mate.

"What is she human? Is that why the bitch isn't here? Too weak to go through the portal." She laughed at me which caused a growl to emit from my throat and my eyes to become dark with a blood thirst to my fangs and claws. "You better be glad you are a female or you would be dead." I growled as she took a step back. "Zane!" I heard hector call from down the hall. Hector was the third in command  , the head warrior. He was a red head with green eyes and a body builders body.  I left Mags where she was greatful that I didn't hurt her. "Take me to my room we have matters to discuss."  I said. He nodded and took me to the elevator I looked at him "What I just got done with training my muscles are already screaming. I am not waling you all the way to the fifth floor." He huffed. I laughed at him as we entered the white elevator. "How's ally and her pregnancy?" I asked him he grimaced. "I would rather go through intense training than have her go through this . She is miserable and will try to take your eyes out if you talk about her cravings." He said looking off ahead as if he is remembering a moment similar to the one he warned me about. The elevator opened on the fifth floor and he took me to my room. My room was dark wooden floors, creame wallpaper, royal blue king size bed, white dressers and a fifty two inch tv. "Call up the Demon King and my brother." I said he shook his head and went to the tv connecting a laptop from a dresser to the tv video calling the Demon kind. I sat at the computer with Hector. After a few rings my brother answered.

"Hello Zane." He said smiling at me. He had sandy blonde hair that he got from our mother and brown eyes, with a strong build. "Hello Sam is the king nearby? I need to talk to you to immediately." I asked "Yes he just arrived back from his meeting let me go and get him." He said  and left to return back with the Demon king. The demon king had a strong build and dark hair with green eyes. "Yes Zane what is so important for you to come while I am away? You have bad timing I would of liked to welcome you back personally." The demon king said. "I came to talk about your daughter.  I take it you have not been watching her due to your duties here in the demon world." I said. He looked a little offended. "What does she concern you for?" he asked. I looked at him" I am her mate well one of them. The other mate is vicious and only wants to cause her pain. That fucking mut and her so called parents abused the fuck out her when she was little causing both her demon and wolf to hide from her. When she was ten she was almost raped by the fucking mut but her brother saved her and had a witch change her to human only when she finds both of her mates her memories will return. She is breaking down and is in fear. I need your help to take out that pack before they can get to her." I said giving him a short story of everything.  The Demon King was starring  at his hands then looked at me a tear running down his face. "How does she look? Does she look like my mother? Is she ok now? How bad have they hurt my princess?" He asked question after Question. I smiled at him "She looks like a goddess. She has your mother light brown eyes and your raven black hair." My smile left my face as I continues to answer the questions. "The last I saw here we had to make her stay with her brother because she was so damn scared. She has scars all over her back, legs , wrists, and ankles. If they get her again she will surely fall apart. She will be completely broken." I thought of my little goddess broken and it made me want to go and murder every single one of those pack members. "Sam cancel all of my meetings i have left and i will get the car ready." The demon king ordered as he began to pack up the papers behind them. "Yes sir. " Sam said then turn to me "We will be back Sunday and will construct a play out Monday, training Tuesday, and getting things ready Wednesday and leaving Thursday. " Sam said then ended the call. I looked at an oddly silent Hector whose mouth was wide open as he looked at me with shock. "He has a daughter? Your the daughters mate?" He freaked out punching me in the arm as he asked me why in the hell have i not said anything about it to him. I rolled my eyes at hector.

P.S I know it is not the best. I wanted to put up one more chapter before i head out for Thanksgiving break. Lovey ^-^  Aiko__Oni 

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