Chapter 6

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Yani's pov

I woke up screaming and being held down by alex and my father. "Stop" I screamed fighting back more. I felt the tingle in my eyes and in my hand. "Please I will be good. I-I promise. Daddy please I-I'm sorry." I whimpered tears running down my face as Alex's and my father's faces began to blur into my brother and Zean. I hugged zen shacking in fear "Make it go away. Take it all away please." I begged crying into his shoulder's. "Yani" Zen said forcing me  to look him in his face. His face held worry and even fear. "Your eye's they are flickering  from black to gold." He said. I was panicking "Daddy's going to kill me." I cried out jumping from my bed only to bump into max and sierra. I Looked at Max who's face held shame. "Yani."He said but I shook my head no. " He's my alpha I didn't know about what he has done to you. He is your mate." Max said yeilling at the end. My anger took over me "DOES A FUCKING MATE TRIES TO RAPE A TEN  YEAR OLD GIRL AFTER BEATING HER TO A PULP FOR YEARS. DOES A MATE TRIES TO RAPE YOU AGAIN. HE ISNT MY MATE. LOVE SUCKS AND I'M DONE WITH IT." I yelled at max. "Those scars isn't just from mommy dearest or my father. Alex enjoys my pain and I bet he intends to kill me." I said calmly as a hiss was heard. "Zane calm down." Zen called as zane pushed me to a wall his eyes were black and his horns  elongated from out of no where. "You're my mate and I love you" Zane said. I looked at him. I did feel a very deep attachment to him which is why I cant let him, zen, max, nor sierra get hurt because of me.

I took in a deep breath. "i got to leave" I said looking down "NO" was all I heard through out the room "I'm going to king satan in the demon world tomorrow. I will get him to seend help so we can take care of you" Zane said  "How can you take care of me I am as good as dead. If my father is still alive Alex will surely tell him where I am and will come after me. Don't you see I am already as good as dead. Zane, you showed me how good it was to be loved by someone other than my brother. When I am captured by Alex, because I know it  is just a matter of time, I want you to forget me and move on. I will keep you in my heart as long as I shall live. " I said but zane went to say something but I cut him off. "It is useless to fuss with me Zane. I know what my father and Alex are capable of. To torture their own daughter and mate they hold no love in their souls zane and will  not stop until they get what they want. I have scars all over my body from the torture Zane." I said as tears ran down my face. "Do you think I am just going to let you go?" Zane asked with anger in his now black eyes. "I wont let you go either Yani"  Zen spoke up. "We can move again. We haven't been to New York. When you were little you use to talk about going there to see Broadway performers." Zen said sadness in his eyes I sighed. "I-I want to be alone please." I whispered Sierra and Max hugged me telling me they loved me. Zane and zen left out with their head down but zen turned around handing me my phone "Max gave it to me earlier." zen said then left. I laid down on my  bed tears running down my eyes as I took in the memories. I could feel the chains and the whips all on me. I can feel the blade running along my back.  I could feel all the pain again. I was snapped out of my road down nightmare lane when  my phone vibrated.

"Hello" I answered whipping away the tears. "I want you to come down stairs and out the front door as quietly as possible, If you make any noise I will send in my warriors to kill your brother and best friends, I would also say your little boyfriend but he left for his own world." I heard Alex order as fear began to flow through me. "You have ten minutes to be out." he said then the line was cut. I threw my phone on my bed grabbing my note book from my desk and began to write.

     "Zen I am so sorry. I had to leave he threatened to kill you. Thank you for taking care of me all these years. I am sorry you had to grow up so fast because of me. I will always love you and you will always be my big brother. Sierra and Max thank you for being the best friends I could ever have, and max I forgive you. I love you guys. Zane, by the time you get to read this it will be to late and I will probably be in that basement again. Thank you for loving me even if it was just that one night I will always remember it. I want you to move on and be happy, I wont be able to give you that happiness I am to broken to give you what you need. I will fight for everything , for my life, and for my freedom. I wont let him brake me. I'll see you guys in the after life.


The note was so sloppy  and stained with my tears I laid it on my pillow along with my necklace my brother gave me for my birthday.  I slowly made my way down stairs. "How long will he be gone?" I heard max as from the living room. "I don't know days there are like months here. I just hope he gets here before Alex does" I heard my brother sigh, but it was too late Alex was here and I wont let him hurt yall. I peaked into the living room taking in the last view I would ever get of the people who I love. I am so sorry I love yall I thought as I quietly made my way out the front  door tears running down my face. As soon as I got outside I was grabbed and a needle was in my neck. My vision began to blur and the last thing I say before I was out was a smiling Alex.

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