Just Leave Me Alone

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Dom's POV

I felt like I had to take care of Lilly since she passed out. I know I'm taking her out of her hustle but I feel like she needs to recover more.

Lilly's POV

God, Dom won't leave me alone. I obviously know that he's just looking out for me and that he cares about me, but I want a little bit of freedom. My job requires me to constantly be running around and I can't do that if Dom is always cancelling my meetings.

I woke up at around 7am because I had to write scripts. As soon as I get started, Dom comes to my house.

"Lilly what are you doing up so early in the morning?"

"Well I have to write a few scripts and creatives."

"Don't you think you're exuding your body too much?"

"Dom, I appreciate your concern, but I think that I'll be okay."

"Lilly just go back to bed. You need to not stress out."

"Dom, trust me I'm fine. I'll let you know if I need anything."

"No, Lilly listen to me, you just passed out because you were exuding yourself by doing too much work."

"Dom actually... I... Uh-"

"Just get some rest and I'll wake you up later."

"Dom, I don't think you realize that my job is to do this, so please respect my decision to keep my job running."

"Lilly you can't handle work." My eyes grew wide when Dom said that. How could he say something that he knew would offend me?

"Oh...so... I should quit YouTube right? Since I can't handle it?" I said sarcastically.

"No, Lilly that's not what I meant-"

"Yeah, I think I should quit YouTube... I mean, It's not like I'm good at it anyways? Right Dom? Since I don't have 12.5 million subscribers, right?" I was getting super frustrated. " You know Dom? I think you should go."

"No, please Lilly don't be mad at me. I'm so sorry."

"Dom, I forgive you but I still need to do work and I can't do so if you're gonna try and take it from me, so can you respect that and please leave?" Dom slowly nodded his head and left.

7 Hours Later

I haven't left my office all day, mostly because I was in work mode. I went to the kitchen to get some dinner. When I got my plate set up, I heard a bang from downstairs. Being a waste yout, I turned on my vlog camera just in case. Then I felt something pound the back of my head and everything went black.

Uh-Oh what happened?? Leave your suggestions and predictions in the comments. Stay tuned to see what happens next. xo

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