[11] War

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'Load Up On Guns & Bring Your Friends'


"Lolita" A voice practically sung my name "Lolita, it's me. Your brother" I didn't recall this voice.

My surroundings, unfamiliar. I was in a small room. Much like Dylan's room in Norma's house. The walls were painted salmon and that same low metal bed was pushed against the wall.

"Lolita!" Another voice called. Norma's.

"Lolita!" Another said, Dylan.

I glared at myself in the body length mirror. I gasped at my reflection. My hair was no longer that chocolate brown color anymore, it was blonde. Much like the color of Norma's hair. The print of the gun tucked away in my pants was visible and blood. Blood stained my clothes and skin, but it wasn't my blood.




The voices grew closer, and eventually the door was pushed open.

Dylan, Norma and the boy from one of my previous dreams entered the room.

Dylan was covered in blood as well, a gun clutched in his hand.

Norma was covered in blood, but had no weapon.

And the boy from my previous dream also was covered in blood, Norma's apron tied at his waist and a kitchen knife clutched in his hand. They all gathered around me, each one of us looking into the mirror. All of us resembled eachother someway. But me and the boy were almost identical.

"One big family" Norma smiled.


I gasped awake, clenching my chest.I wasn't in Norma's house. I was in Remo's bedroom with the thick black blankets covering my naked body. It was all just a horrible dream- well nightmare.

"Are you alright?" Remo's voice startled me. He stood near the closet, sliding on a of jeans.

I nodded "fine"

"I washed your things while you were asleep. Go clean yourself up, Zane wants you in today"

He wants me in? Me alone, little old Lolita? that was a first.

"Me?" I asked "just me?"

Remo nodded "Yeah"

"Why?" I asked, getting out of bed, completely bare not caring.

"He wouldn't tell me why he needed you. But I doubt he'd harm you. Now go get ready"


I rolled my eyes as Zane pulled over for like the fourth time to piss. We'd never get to out destination fucking with him and his fragile bladder. The sun had already began to set.

'I haven't taken my medicine' I thought to myself.

Usually, if I missed a pill i'd be somewhere curled up in a corner crying or in some unusual place laughing or talking to myself. But I was just fine, I was surprised actually. Guess all of that Bi-polar, anxiety shit has finally passed.

Just to think, about a month ago I was a socially awkward girl who hated human contact. And now I was a murderer. If I were to ever go back to the motel, i'd have to explain myself to everyone, i'd have to tell them things I promised no to tell anyone.

Whatever Zane was about to get me involved in, I had a feeling it wasn't good...


Zane pulled up to a gate, a locked gate. A black Chevrolet followed behind us. I wasn't sure who was in it, or if what we were about to do was legal. Well nothing we did was legal.

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