Chapter 5

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  Daylah's P.O.V.

I wad walking into class holding Ethan,"Hey Daylah, how's Ethan?" Shawn asked walking up to me, "He's great, he's just a doll Shawn." I giggled, he laughed as well. I sat down at down, and Shawn sat next to me. Carter walked in with Alicia, he looked like he was crying, Alicia kept trying to hold onto his arm to make me jealous, he just pushed her off every time. Carter glanced at me, I glanced back, he tried to say something to me, I just ignored him.

"Hi class, I'm Mrs.Connie, I'll be substituting." She said, "Your original teacher told me to tell you that, your partners will be moving in your dorms." She said smiling, she sat down at her desk flipping pages of a book."There are rules, No Sex, No Inappropriate Activities, you should already know not to do that." She said tilting her glasses to look at what's written in the book. This is bad, Alicia might bang Carter. I just want to die already, why shall I suffer?

"Class dismissed." Mrs.Connie said when the bell ringed, I walked out the classroom with Alexandra,"I'm going to rip Alicia eye's out..." I said clutching my fist, I looked back at Alicia trying to hug on Carter."Same with Paige...She is gonna get hut." Alexandra said rolling her eyes, I waved goodbye to Alexandra and went to my next class.

I was walking when I saw one of the staffs staple a paper, I went to observe. I read it, and it says "Auditions For Play". I would actually like to be in a play, I signed up and walked away to start moving to Shawn's dorm.


Day ignored me the whole day and I decided to go over to her dorm, We were moving into our partners. I'm pretty sure she's packing to go with Shawn. I walked down the hallway towards her dorm knocking on the door ,I heard a "Come in!" I walked in on Daylah in a messy bun, One of my shirts I gave her and some Sweatpants

'"Hey." I said smiling a bit,"Hi" Her voice cracked like she had been crying."How've you been?" My eyes went to her arm I shook the thoughts out of my head."Fine," She said. I looked at her face, red eyes, dark circles. Did that really take a toll on her?...Well fuck I screwed up big time

"She pushed up against me" I started but she cut me off,"Carter, Don't give me that bullshit. You could've pushed her off." She said just as Taylor and Alexandra walked in."Hey Day, I Brought the stuff.." She trailed off as her eyes narrowed at me.Oh shit, she must have already told Alexandra, I scratched my back nervously.

"Yo bro, can I talk to you for a second?" Taylor asked me."Yeah..." We walked outside and Taylor sighed looking at the floor.

"Really? Alicia? Out of all the people in the school you could've cheated with you got fucking Alicia?" He said, Him and Daylah bonded a lot. They could be siblings if they wanted, and Alexandra probably told him

"Dude she pushed up on me, I thought she was Daylah" I shouted, "Carter, Day fucking heard about your reputation, she wouldn't believe you. And truth be told, I don't believe you either..HOW IN THE HELL COULD YOU THINK SHE WAS DAYLAH, HELLO DAYLAH HAS BLACK HAIR AND ALICIA HAS BLOND" Taylor said coldly, I honestly thought about it, I can't believe Alicia is ruining things for me."That's really fucked up, I guess I just can't be around anyone until I fix this." I said leaning up against the wall crossing my arm, I felt like breaking down right now.

Then I heard a sob come from inside, it was heartbreaking. My eyes widen, I was going to turn the knob, all of a sudden Taylor stops me and shakes his head.

"I don't think you should go in, it's for the best." He said hesitating."Please, just tell her I'm so sorry for what happen." I said, then walked away shedding tears. 

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