Part 2

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Madam Pomfrey had Harry spend the night in the hospital wing, just to be safe.

He wasn't sure he slept.

He spent a great deal of time staring at the ceiling, his mind on an endless loop of the kiss. Each time his mind played through it again, it focused on a different thing; the way Draco looked, then just his expressions and then just his eyes. The way he felt, the way the kiss felt, he remembered how he smelled.

He didn't remember smelling him at the time but he was certain it was fire whiskey, an aftershave or cologne that was a sharp mix of musk and evergreen, with a hint of something spiced, all of it so faint it was probably an exaggeration; he thought he remembered lemons, something citrus but he couldn't pinpoint where the idea had come from. He remembered the look Blaise and Pansy had given each other. He remembered how soft Draco's shirt felt against his fingertips.

He remembered the kiss. He remembered the kiss. He remembered the kiss.

His first kiss was with Draco Malfoy. His first kiss was at eighteen. He'd never been able to kiss anyone else, after trying hundreds of times and his first kiss was with Draco Malfoy.

He needed to go find Ron and Hermione. He needed to talk to them so badly he thought he might burst. He knew Madam Pomfrey would not be pleased but Harry left the hospital wing as soon as he thought he his friends wouldn't strangle him for waking them up.

Before he even realized it he was running back to the dorm. Bursting inside and startling the only person in the common room, Hermione. She was reading in front of the fire, looking no worse for wear considering the night before.

Her eyebrows shot up when she saw Harry, closing her book with a snap as she stood, "There you are! You disappeared after the party and no one knew where you were!"

Harry crossed the floor, talking between breaths, "McGonagall took me to the hospital wing but that's not important-"

"The hospital wing!" Hermione's eyes widened, "Are you alright?"

Harry reached out, gently desperately grasping Hermione's forearms with both hands, "I'm fine! Not important! Listen-"

Hermione's brow furrowed, "Harry-"

Harry was practically bouncing on his toes, "Listen, please, Mione- I kissed someone!"

Her brow furrowed further, "Harry... you kissed nearly everyone last night. Does Madam Pomfrey know you left?"

"I didn't-" Harry bit his lip briefly, "You know how I couldn't kiss Cho?"

"In fifth year? Harry, I'm worried-"

"The thing is-" Harry said quickly, talking over her all in a rush, "-I haven't been able to kiss anyone."

Hermione froze, her eyes widening slowly, "What?"

"Last night was the first time," Harry added, his voice dropping as the energy seemed to drain out of him. He realized he was still holding onto Hermione's arms and quickly let go, pull his hands back to his chest.

"You're sure?"

Harry nodded.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Hermione asked a faint sadness in her tone.

Harry grimaced apologetically, "There was a lot going on. It wasn't... important."

"Well, it is now," Hermione huffed, shaking her head, "How many people have you tried to kiss?"

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