Preference #7 First Kiss

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ASHTON: "Stop, Ashton, stop!' You squealed as Ashton had you pinned to the ground, tickling you all over. You started out just watching a movie with him and his siblings spending one of his rare off days together, but he soon decided that tickling your sides was much more amusing than The Lion King. You and Ashton had been really good friends since middle school, but just recently things were changing between you two. Neither one of you had said anything, but you could feel it, and you knew he could, too. Especially when you would sit too close to him and he'd scoot over just a little, or when your hands would accidentally touch. You were in this awkward in-between stage. "You know you love it, Y/N!" He yelled, as you continued to laugh and try to squirm out from under him. "Ashton, please! Stop!" You yelled, your laughs now becoming uncontrollable. Harry and Lauren just watched the two of you, and you noticed Lauren giving Harry a look. "Okay, okay.." Ashton said, stopping tickling you, but still pinning you to the ground. You both were out of breath from laughing, and it was quiet, except for your heavy breaths. You looked at each other, and Ashton blurted out, "Can I please kiss you." Not a question, but more of a statement. You pulled his face to yours and connected your lips. "I told you they liked each other!" Lauren shouted to Harry, and you and Ashton broke apart, smiling at each other. 

CALUM: "So this is an American football game in real life, huh?" he asked, as the two of you walked around your high school football field together with your hands intertwined. "Yes sir, it is. It's an American teenager's tradition to go to your school's football games on Friday nights." you said, looking around at all the people you knew from class, out having fun on a Friday night. But Calum wasn't looking at them. He was looking at you. "And I'm lucky enough to get to experience my first one with you," he said, squeezing your hand. You smiled at him and walked over to an empty section of bleachers. "So do they not have this sort of thing in Australia?' you asked, shivering from the cold of the Autumn night. He shrugged off his jacket and put it around you. "Well, no, they don't have American football, but they do have football, soccer I mean, but it's not like this. I mean when I lived in Sydney, teens went to soccer games, yes, but I feel like it's not the same as over here." he said, glancing at all the teens cheering for their team, making out, and  talking. "You miss Sydney. I know you do." you said looking at him. "You're right. But it's only because I haven't been there in awhile. I mean we finished the tour and I came here to see you, but I'll be back soon. Don't get me wrong,  I love America and I love spending time with you, but I just feel like I'm that weird Australian guy in some band that hangs around you and doesn't fit in over here," he said. "Calum, I don't know why you think that because it's most definitely not true. Everyone over here loves having you around....especially the girls," you said smirking, "So what if you're Australian? And who cares what people think of you? You're the one traveling the world and living you're dream, doing way more than  what some of these other people will ever dream of doing. And I mean, I like you so.." you trailed off. "I take it back,"he said, "There is one thing that I can do to fit in over here." he said. "Oh yeah? What's that?" you asked. He turned your face to his and kissed you. This was the first time you and Calum had kissed. "I got that skill covered." he said, smirking. You fake hit him and rested your head on his shoulder. 

LUKE: Neither you nor Luke had had your first kiss at 15. "Do you remember it?" you asked, as you layed in the tour bus bunk next to Luke, both of you now 17 and 2 years older. Your legs tangled together, both of you in comfy pajamas, you layed next to the boy you had loved for years, finally getting to join him on tour after weeks of being away. "Of course I remember it. It was my first kiss how could I not remember it?" "I meant....was there another reason you remember it or was it just because it was your first kiss?" you said looking up towards him. "Hmmm......wait who was it with again?" he said joking. You scoffed and hit him. "Babe, I'm kidding of course I remember it."-FLASHBACK- "I just feel like no one will ever want to be with me, Luke. I know I'm not pretty or super athletic like all the other girls, but that doesn't mean I don't want a boyfriend!" You said, crying. "I'm just a pathetic loser that no one will ever love..." It hurt Luke to see you like this. He hadn't admitted to liking you because he knew that neither of you had really had any relationship experience. "I haven't even had my first kiss yet." you said. That's when he took a chance and ignored everything in the back of his brain telling him not to. "Well, I mean, I haven't had my first kiss and neither have you, so maybe we could just kiss each other?" he said, it more sounding like a question. "Um, okay.." you said. You both hesitantly leaned in and kissed. "Whoa." he said. "Can we do that again?" you asked, and he nodded. 

MICHAEL:  "I love you." you said to him, as he just was about to go on stage.  "What?" he asked. Did you say what he thought you just said? "Michael we're on!" Calum yelled, grabbing his shirt. "Oh hey, Y/N, now come on Michael we gotta go!" You waved and he looked at you and said "What?" again, as Calum pulled him to the stage. You didn't mean to tell him you loved him, it just sort of came out. Michael and you were just friends, but you had always had feelings for him. You nervously waited as you watched backstage and wanted/didn't want the boys to finish their set. You weren't sure what to say to Michael next when he would be done. You noticed that Michael kept taking glances towards you and was a bit distracted during the show. The boys finished their last song and said goodnight, and Michael came offstage. You pulled water out of the cooler and handed it to him and he threw it towards the wall. He picked you up and kissed you and twirled you around. "I've been waiting to do that for months now." he said. "I love you," you said against his lips. "I love you too."

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