Past 2: halloween quotes 🎃

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Since its halloween...

1-happy as a witch in a broom factory

2-clothes make a statement, costumes tell a story

3-double double,toil and trouble,fire burn and cauldron bubble.

4-when witches go riding and black cats are seen the moon laughs and whispers ' the near halloween'

5-where there is no imagination there is no horror

6-she used to tell me that a full moon was when mysterious things happen and wishes come true

7-boo and stuff

8-its all bunch of pocus hocus

9-i love halloween and i love that feeling, the cold air the spooky dangers lurking around the corner

10-there is magic in the night when pumpkins glow by moonlight

11- tis the night,the night of the grave's delight and the warlocks are at their play ye think that without the wild winds shoutbut no its they its they

12-everyday is halloween isnt it for some of us?

13-shadows of a thousand years rise again unseen. Voices whisper in their trees 'tonight is halloween'

14-during the day i dont believe in ghosts but at night iam more open minded

15-listen to them, the children of the night what music they make

16-by the pricking of my thumbs,something wicked this way

17-men say that in this midnight hour, the disembodied have power

18-there is nothing more that gives assurance more than a mask

19- there are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howels

20-im so glad i live in a world where there are octobers

21-we have had our summer evenings now our autumn eves

22-i must go in, the fog is rising

Hope you guys like.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2017 ⏰

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