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*5 years ago*

"You know that the second graders are coming with us for this field trip, right?" Kelly asked. I shook my head.

"Really? I thought it was only for us," I say.

"Well ... they are," she said.

Walking in the botanical garden, we walked through several herbs and I saw someone looking at me. I look back to see a boy with brown hair and grey eyes looking at me.

Grey eyes ...so beautiful.

I smiled at him, and he smiled back.

"Who is he?" Kelly asked.

"I ... I don't know, he must be one of the second graders," I said. She nodded.

I then saw him walking towards me. I tensed up.

He smiled."Hi," he said.

"Hello " I talk back blushing.

"I am Asher King ..." he said, holding out his hand for me.

"L-Lia Summers, " I spoke, shaking his hands.

"Shall we be friends?" He asked.I smiled and nodded.

"Hey, little nuts ... enjoying Mr. Asher's company? " I saw a guy come from behind and keep his hand on Asher's shoulder. Asher's body tensed up, and he lowered his head.

"I don't think you should talk to this dork. He is a loser," that guy said.

"The only loser here is you," Kelly spoke up.

"Really?.. Ok, how about we show them who is the loser here, Asher? Hmm?" The guy said.

Asher kept his head down.

"Leave him alone," I spoke.But that guy ignored me and spoke.

"This nut here, is a worthless loser, stupid head.." the guy said, hitting his head.

I took a step forward, worried that Asher might get hurt while he stood there tensed the entire time."Leave. Him. Alone, I'll call Miss Pearl if you hurt him," I said .

That guy looks at me and smirks . He then turned around and walked away .

"You ok?" I asked.He nodded.

"I-I am sorry ... bye," he said and walked away as well.While I and Kelly stood then were still confused and worried that the guy will hurt him.

But for some odd reason, I felt like we could be good friends.I don't really get attracted to shy boys ... but he seemed exceptional.

"Hey, dork! come here and pick this shit up, ," Ken said.

I looked over to see if they were troubling Asher again. I stood up and walked over. Picking up his pen, I slam it on Ken's table.

"There you go, " I said and took Asher's hand, pulling him out of the class.

"You don't have to do that," he stated. I smiled.

"Friends help each other and besides, Ken is a jerk," I stated.

He chuckled and kissed my cheeks, making me blush like a beetroot.

"Thank you, Lia," he said

Did he ... he just kiss me? Oh, my god !! I hate to admit it, but this timid boy got my cheeks red . He wasn't an exact definition of strong but I still like him.


"Did your mom shout at you again?" Asher asked.I nodded, wiping my tears. He sat beside me and kept his hand on my shoulder.

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