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I take a step back . And walk the other way. I stepped up my pace as I heard him walking behind me.
I glanced back to see him get near and made a run for it.

I was not three steps away and I was caught by a hand on my waist. Screaming out loud but he brought his hand to my mouth. I couldn't even bite him since his hand was tight. I struggled with my actions and with my muffled screams

"Shh .." The stranger spoke. I turned around and was pushed to a wall.
My eyes gazed up at him and they went wide. His eyes were glowing bright grey.

Could one's eyes glow?

My breath hitched.

Was he ...
Was he really him?
His face resembled the same, his eyes were the same.

"A-Asher ?" I whispered.
His eyes went wide and I saw his jaw clenched. I flinched as he leaned into my neck. His breath fanned across my skin and I shivered. My core clenched and I fisted my hands.
"Is it really you ?" I asked timidly.

He pulled away and looked at me. Our eyes bored into each other for what felt like hours.
He pushed himself away.

look at him in confusion, why won't he answer?

I saw his figure walking away in the dark and I stood there completely confused.

Who was he? What did he want from me?
The first thing that came to mind when I saw those mesmerizing eyes was the one guy.



"So ....umm ..Lia ..Lia !??" I jumped out of my la la land as Lucy waved her hand in front of me.
"Hm? Ya ?" I asked while wiping my face with both my hands due to my lack of sleep.
"So, should I talk to him or what?" She asked.

"About ?" I asked.

"I told you this seconds ago, Hunter wanted to take me to a football game, should I go? will dad get mad ?" She asked.
"Ask him, "I simply stated.
"I am scared my dad will start taking reports of him and send men after us ...just to see if he is safe or not," she stated.
I looked ahead and chuckled.

"I think you should ask your mom, if your dad finds out ...she will cool him down, ya ?" I asked.
She looked at me and her eyes widened.
"Oh my god, Lia !! Thank you !" She said, hugging me from the side.
I smiled.
"Ok ...meet you after class, bye !!" She said and we walked to our respective classes.

I sat in my seat and waited for the teacher to come. All the students waited until a man walked in.

"I have am your substituted teacher for today since Mrs. Potts wasn't able to make an appearance, I suggest you study and not talk while I work," he said sitting on the chair

I heard faint cheers and students ignored his warning and started to talk with hushed voices. I look down at my notes and draw circles on them not being able to study. I looked up to the teacher and gasped as a memory flashed in my mind.

"Sir ... I do not wish to be taught alone, I am leaving. "
"Oh no, you are not Lia Summers ...." he said, pushing me to the wall.

I sucked in a deep breath and released it. My memory was immediately diverted to grey eyes.

He has to be Asher ... I remember his eyes..grey ..yet somehow there was always a silver lining which made me look deeply into his eyes.

Why do I feel this way? Why do I shiver every time I think of him? Why do I feel cold and warm at the same time when he is near me?

I shook my thoughts away and concentrated on my book.

During lunch, Sam sat with Lia and me. She brought over some of her friends who were to say ...like her.
Beauty queens. They seemed rich. Perfect permed hair, long nails, good dressing sense.
I felt outdated the whole time I sat there.

Guess I wasn't good at talking to many people. They were talking about some stuff when I started feeling uneasy. The cafeteria doors slammed open and I looked to my right to see the same guy. I straightened my posture feeling slightly scared looking at the group of boys.

There were six of them. They stalked towards a table they didn't care about the eyes of all they just started talking and I looked at Sam. He was already looking at me.

I lowered my gaze.
"Who ..who are they ?" I asked.
Lucy glanced at me.

"Oh ..they are the seniors, but their gang is definitely dangerous. ..but...Hunter is with them," she said.
She nudged me and pointed at a blond guy standing with the five boys.

He glanced at us and smirked. He then kept his hand on another guy's shoulder and whispered something before walking to us.

"Oh my lord ...he is coming here, what do I do? What do I do ?? " Lucy started panicking as I looked at her..

"Hey Lucy," the guy said. His voice was sharp and he had green eyes. light hair. Very much the aura of a superior. But it's not overwhelming.

"H...Hi Hunter," she said. He grabbed a chair and sat beside her.

They started talking and my eyes glanced back at the others. The whole cafeteria gasped as one boy was punched right in the face by one of the five boys. He fell to the floor.
My eyes went wide at the harshness the seniors showed.

I looked down at the boy to see his friends trying to pick him up . My eyes glance back up when those grey eyes met mine again.
I gulped and shivered.
"Lia " Sam called.

"Are you alright? " He asked, keeping his hand on mine.
"Ya, I am," I said, taking my hand back slowly.

oh no no no
My mind went blank and I saw those guys stride over to us. I gripped my hands together and kept looking down.
"Scoot "I heard a voice.

Sam scooted closer to me to give them space. I noticed him look at them. Then he suddenly stood up and walked away. I looked at his retreating body as he walked out of the cafeteria.

What happened to him?

"He is our friend " I heard Lucy say.
"I know Sweetcheeks....you can sit with him when I am here ok," Hunter said.
She nodded
I tensed up and someone sat beside me quite close I might add.
I instantly knew it was Mr. Grey Eyes.

That's when I heard his voice.

"Lia "

It made me feel chill, but the kind of chills you get listing to something so pure and sharp that it startles you. 

Hope you like my book !!

You can find the edited version on Dreme, Link in my bio. It is still under editing but no chapters will be removed. 

Spin Off to Alpha Asher is now available under the same book. !! 

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