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I felt my knees go weak when I saw the person.

Who is he? Why is he looking his way?
He was wearing a grey hoodie with his head ahead in my direction. I felt like his eyes were boring in mine.

I cleared my throat and stood up.
"Can we talk about this tomorrow, I have an afternoon shift today " I said.

She nodded

"I have a lecture. See you tomorrow," she chirped.

I walked down the stairs when Sam walked beside me and looked ahead to see if that person was still there.

I lowered my gaze.
"Where do you work ?" Sam asked.
I look at him.
"Huh ?" Was the only thing that came out of my mouth.
He stepped close, making me take a step back. The events of my past made me stay away from guys I would step back every time someone invaded my extra big bubble space.

"I would like to visit you someday then," he said winking at me. I chuckled nervously, not wanting to go further.
"So ..where do you work?" he asked, walking with me to the gate. I glanced at him and lowered my gaze again.
He will probably make fun of me.

"Not that much of a deal, bye," I said, and practically ran away.
Walking to the supermarket I slow my speed down. Then again, I felt deep eyes staring at me. I look back but see nothing. A black car speeds up towards me but it slowed down just a few meters away from me.

I didn't let it bother me and continued walking. I assumed that the person must live nearby or so but then after some time, I glanced back to see that same black car behind me.

My breath hitched and I increased my pace while walking.

The car did as well.

I ran into the back door of the building and sight keeping my hand on my chest breathing heavily.
"Lia: "I jumped as my partner at work called me.
"Come on getting to work," the boss said and I nodded. Changing into my work dress I walked to the cashier and started working. It was 6 in the evening and I was exhausted.

I let out a huff. My eyes gazed to the entrance to see the guy in the hoodie walk in. Again I felt waves of goosebumps on my leg and hands. I felt cold, not because of the A/C.

But it was something else. He finally came to my counter and put the things he took in front of me.

I gulped but didn't dare look up feeling some kind of dangerous aura around him. I knew he was looking straight at me, all while I worked in front of him. I got anxious and I shivered.

The screen in front of me showed him the amount.

We usually speak up, but I stayed quiet. He handed me the exact amount. I packed his things in the bag and kept them on the counter for him to take. He never did so. He just stood there. I gulped and fisted my hands.

"Thank you for v-visiting," I said.

"Look at me," he ordered. I nervously shook my head.
"I said, Look at me," he demanded in a harsh tone. I lifted my gaze up to meet him.
My breath hitched, my heart started beating fast, my knees went weak causing me to hold the edge of the table. I froze on my spot.

Those grey eyes ...with a silver lining.
I sucked in a deep breath and my stomach tightened. I saw him look at me intensely.
"When does your shift end ?" He asked.

What !??
No way in hell was I going to tell him that.

"W-we are not a-allowed to reveal. .." I stuttered but stopped talking as I knew I had no words due to the fact that he made me scared.

He took the bag and walked out of the store. I let out a heavy sight
"Lia ?" I look at my boss.
"What did he say ?" He asked.
"Nothing: "I replied, he didn't seem convinced, but walked away.

I took my bag and walked out. The cold weather made me shiver since I had no cardigan, but only a full-sleeved top and skin-fitting jeans. I pull my sleeves to my knuckles and blow warm air on them. Walking out of the parking lot i saw a similar black car.

I stopped at my mid tracks. I lower my gaze and look at the opposite side.

It was him again, leaning on the car staring back at me. It just made me shiver. 

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