Happy Halloween... You Should Have Stayed Quiet.

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Chris's POV

It's strange, I never usually leave the office so late. But with the sun starting to dip, I know I will need to get home quickly. After locking up the doors, I start making my way down the street to my car, But not before hearing a muffled cry. A weird sound to hear now when the sun is still out and everything is still visible but, Being a decent person, I quickly run towards the sounds before hearing another scream, Much louder this time. I almost run straight past the street in question when I stop, Looking down the road to see a man pull a girl into a cobbled side street. I pull out my phone and instantly dial 999, Waiting for the line to be picked up. 

Emergency: "Hello emergency service operator, Which service do you require?"

Chris: "Police, I've just spotted a girl be taken by a man down a side street near Princess and Faulkner Street."

(I just chose two streets I remember from when I was staying at a hotel in Manchester.)

After giving the necessary details, I was patched through to police who took my concern in earnest, Assuring me that they were immediately sending out officers to the location. They told me to stay away while also trying to keep an eye out until officers got there to try and keep a stable location set, In other words, Stay fucking low and don't be seen.

Chris: "It's an open street in broad daylight, How am I not going to be seen?"

I heard the women scream but it was cut short this time. I turned to briefly look where I had watched the man take her and noticed a knife in his hand, The woman was sat against the wall with a faint line across her neck and face, I panicked as the man stood and turned instantly, His hood down but he hesitated... Fuck.

Chris: "Well keeping an eye out for you guys just got me noticed, Where the fuck are they?"

Officer: "We have already dispatched officers and they are on route, Just make sure you can run to a secure and safe building, Princess street right? There is a tram station near by, As well as the Macdonalds down the street, Parallel to the library. Or if you can run fast enough, Piccadilly train station."

Chris: "Don't have to tell me twice."

I wasn't even going to look behind me, Fuck that I'm not stupid as I start my sprint towards a crowded area. Fucking fuck I just witnessed murder, What the fuck am I supposed to do now? I can't run to the office no matter how close it is, They will know where I work as I have the keys. I can't run to my car as that is close by as well. With my legs making the decision for me, I book into a complete sprint down towards the fast food joint at the end of the street... What? I may have witnessed murder but I might as well grab something to eat right?

As I run as fast as I can, Feverishly trying to dodge these snails blocking my way, Knocking a poor man in my attempt to run. I finally made the short distance and just walked down towards the counter but detoured, Sitting down in a booth along the back wall. I looked up, Sweat running down my face as I pant and catch my breath. I rang the emergency line again and went through the process again, Not wanting to find out which station I was put through too, My voice low, Almost whispering.

Chris: "It's me the guy who witnessed the murder on Princess and Faulkner, I ran to the Macdonalds store near by. Just letting you guys know."

Officer: "Alright, Don't move, Order something and make sure you don't bring any attention to yourself.

Chris: "I just witnessed a fucking women die, What the fuck am I supposed to do?"

Officer: "Keep calm and don't make a scene, The last thing you would want is too have some people walk out of the place, Talking about some weird guy in the corner talking of a crime, Tipping off the killer and making your presence known."

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