Tourist Part 2

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Jake's POV

Joining the boys in their video was rather fun. I met Harry, Simon and Vik but was getting a little bit of a cold shoulder from Simon, not sure why though. But through them I had come across quite a few nice places I wouldn't mind visiting again. Like tonight for example, going for dinner and then a night out at a club for some drinks. Probably stumble home later on haven't decided yet but I know it will be a fun night. Wearing a pair of tracksuit pants with a tight white shirt that I knew, after a night of dancing, sweating and looking more and more attractive as everyone kept drinking, I'd say my chance of getting a British lover tonight would be high on the list. After I was ready, making sure I had my I.D, Phone and wallet with me. Once I felt like I was adequately prepared, I locked the front door after triple checking the details for the club I was headed to and set out on my way. It was a little cold right now, not wearing a jacket but I knew once I was there, if I had a jacket I'd likely lose it.

After walking the long 40 minutes there, I waited out front before checking my maps, making sure it was the right place and heading inside. Showing my I.D to the security just inside. The crazy part was I couldn't hear a lot of sound outside but inside, it was quite nice. The music wasn't absolutely blaring yet and it was nice to walk up to the bar and wait for someone to take my drink order. It was a pretty chill place right now with another place attached set up where the music was louder with another bar serving drinks. I stayed in the first part for a little, having a look around me at the décor and aesthetic of the place. It was rather nice. But once I was on my 5th drink, having barely eaten today, I was prepared for an early drunk night. Checking my phone and noticing I'd only spent an hour and a half here so far. I held onto my drink and moved to the other room, a large and open area with people dancing to the music as it played, and I was already bobbing my head but now I could feel my body shuffling about in that fine kind of way of letting loose. I couldn't dance, at all. I would be hopeless but I knew my body, and it seemed like a few girls were getting my attention. One looking my way as she moved in beat with the song playing. Beer in hand as I chugged what was left and put it on the table, using the bar to my advantage as I leant back and positioned my body to show the slight abdominal muscle through my shirt. Seeing her eye my body was a bit of a thrill as she made her way over beside me, ordering a drink as she looked over at me.

Jake: "Make it two, I'll pay."

????: "Looking good, thanks cutie."

Jake: "Nah I'd say its only fair a pretty lady like yourself should be able to enjoy herself without a problem."

????: "The accent is cute, Been here long?"

Jake: "A week now, enjoying the city. Met some locals. It's a good time, I'll have to come back sometime."

As the server put our drinks out, I paid for them and Took a sip of whatever it was, I didn't care. I'm Australian, I get a drink, I drink it.

????: "Think you would come back regularly?"

I looked over her way as I saw her eye me up, I liked that feeling, It makes me feel attractive and it's always nice. her finger running down my chest and her nail running over the top of my abs.

Jake: "I'm sure I will be coming back very soon. I'm really enjoying myself and I'm really enjoying myself right now too."

????: "I'm Cassandra. What's your name cutie."

Jake: "I'm Jake, Pleasure to meet you."

I saw her look over towards her friends as she leaned back over towards me. I could see the looks she was getting from her friends but weren't sure if they were the ooh go girl type of looks or the uh, Stay away looks. I'm enjoying myself, Cassandra here seems to be enjoying herself, No problems right?

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