Chapter 1

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"Oh my god, Rhonda!" I scream as she comes to a screeching stop in front of Rydell High, and my purse falls to the floor.

"What," Rhonda says with a half-hearted shrug as if she hasn't almost killed us on the first day of school.

"We were supposed to be arriving in style," Paulette tuts from the back of the car. "There's making an entrance, and there's making a car crash." I smile, that's quite good for Paulette. We get out of the car, adjusting our pink lady jackets, and ignoring the students around us. I sit on the hood of Rhonda's car and light my cigarette while we wait for Stephanie.

"She's late again," I say looking around. "Personally I think being late demonstrates terrible leadership qualities." Rhonda rolls her eyes at me but Steph is supposed to be our leader.

"Well I'm not waiting anymore," I announce waving my cigarette holder around for dramatic effect.

"Here she is," Rhonda says grabbing her purse.

"What are you all waiting for?" Steph asks flicking her hair over her shoulder, before heading into Rydell. We follow her and Paulette grumbles to me that Stephanie is getting a bit too high and mighty.

"Some people can't cope with leadership responsibilities," I whisper as we make our way to our lockers. They're painted pink, inherited from last year's pink ladies.

"So what's the new look?" Paulette asks me as she admires her own reflection in her locker mirror.

"Jackie Kennedy, it only landed her a president." Over the summer I've updated my wardrobe and cut my hair shorter, it's a shame I can't do anything with the curls though. Paulette sniffs and tells me JFK prefers the Marilyn Monroe look. In other words, her look. I'm saved from replying as Johnny Nogerelli, leader of the T Birds, is coming our way. His right-hand man Goose is following. Paulette sticks her chest out and flutters her eye lashes.

"Hi Johnny," she gasps. "I really like your hair, it's really cool." Johnny barely cracks a smile for her, he's more interested in Stephanie, his sometime girlfriend.

"So what's the story Steph?" he demands closing in on Stephanie's personal space. He tries to lean over her but she's almost as tall as he is. Stephanie lowers her voice as we try to listen in. It's common knowledge they've fallen out.

"You know the story, it's over," she whispers, and Paulette's eye's widened. She's been waiting for this moment her whole life! Steph and Johnny have had bust ups before but this sounds serious.

"That's not good enough," Johnny says but he doesn't sound so confident now.

"Don't make a scene," Stephanie pleads and Johnny realises we're watching. He puts his hands up and steps back.

"What scene?" Louis asks as he and Davey join us. Johnny spins around and grabs Louis, shoving him against the locker.

"There's no scene," he yells. Well there is now! Johnny lets go of Louis and we all pretend we haven't just seen him totally lose his cool. He straightens his jacket muttering something about going to get his schedule, and I turn my attention to Louis Dimucci.

"Hi Louis," I say trying not to give away just how happy I am to see him.

"Hello to you." He grins and kisses me so hard my head's pushed back into my locker. I guess he's pleased to see me too.

"What's this? The Vince Fontaine national library," Goose sniggers as he looks in Rhonda's locker. She pulls a face while Goose teases her about her twin obsessions; National Bandstand and her nose, it is kinda big.

"You might turn up on National Bandstand but your beak will still be turning down," he says laughing. Louis and Davey join in.

"You're mean," I say playfully slapping Louis. I can't believe Rhonda lets her boyfriend make her the butt of everyone's jokes though.

"That's it, the nose goes," Rhonda declares as the T birds walk off laughing.

"I wouldn't fool around with mother nature if I were you," Paulette says.

"You've fooled around with everyone else Paulette," I quip getting my own back after she tried to put down my new look. She scowls but she has no come back, she isn't that smart.


I go to my homeroom, I've got Mr Spears again. I'm the only pink lady in his class which kinda sucks but at least I have Louis to keep me company. Unfortunately Davey's also in our class, and he's pretty much stopped speaking to me since I started dating Louis. I take my seat in front of them, and Davey grimaces.

"Have you got your schedule there?" I ask Louis so I can see which classes we have together. He passes it over, and Davey snickers.

"So what's going on with Johnny and Steph?" I ask them as the principal, Mrs McGee, starts making the usual start of the year announcements over the intercom.

"I dunno," Louis says. "Johnny thinks she's trying to teach him a lesson or something." That wouldn't surprise me, Johnny's so jealous and possessive Stephanie's bound to be tired of it.

"It's going to make things awkward if they don't make up, I mean the code says-"

"You're T bird chicks," Louis says smirking at me, and I kick him under the table but that is sort of what I'm thinking. Stephanie and Johnny were supposed to be king and queen of the school and it doesn't look like that will be happening now. And then there's the rule that pink ladies can only date T birds.

"You could be in with a chance with Stephanie now," I say to Davey trying to tease him, and he scowls in return.

"She could get with another T bird," he says looking at Louis. "I ain't the only one available."

"You kinda are," Louis says quickly, and I pretend to listen while Mrs McGee announces we'll be having a talent show later in the year. I don't think Louis would be interested in Steph, he spent ages convincing me to go out with him, but Steph was loved up with Johnny back then.

"Maybe Steph will leave the Pink Ladies," I say trying not to let on that Davey's got me rattled. "It's not going to be much fun for her hanging out with you guys now."

"You'd have to find another girl," Davey says. "And another leader." Well I'm pretty sure I'd be leader. Paulette's flaky, and Rhonda pretty much scraped in because she helps Steph with her homework. And she drives.

"It would be convenient to get another girl who could drive," I muse. "Actually Davey, since we're T bird chicks, I'd imagine you'd get the final say." He looks at me blankly. "Well, you've not got a girlfriend so it would be a chance for you to get a girl you liked into the gang." Davey goes red and starts to splutter.

"I think Johnny would decide," Louis says coming to his rescue. "If he doesn't get Steph back."

"Well, let's hope he does." I don't particularly care but if the alternative is Stephanie single and making a play for Louis....I look at Davey and curse him for putting the idea in my head.


Thank you for reading. Votes/comments much appreciated :)

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