Chapter 2

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It's the end of the week and we're supposed to be in gym class but we skip it as usual. The staff have pretty much given up on us cos none of us are sporty anyway, and we're definitely not cheerleader material. So long as we don't leave the school grounds they turn a blind eye. We walk across the pitch as we catch up on all the gossip, not caring that we're getting in people's way. With our pink lady jackets we can get away with murder, not that I much like the colour pink, I prefer red.

"So what's the story with you and Johnny?" Paulette asks Stephanie for like the hundredth time. Every lunch time we have the same conversation, and it's getting boring.

"Lets just say I outgrew him over the summer," Steph says avoiding the question as usual.

"Well he sure hasn't lost the hots for you." Even Paulette has to admit Johnny's still hung up on Stephanie. I don't know why she's wasting her time lusting after him, Steph is always gonna be his first choice.

"Johnny just hasn't learned when you're dead lie down," Steph grumbles. "Besides, there's gotta be more to life than just making out." Paulette pauses, a small frown on her face.

"Oh! I never thought of it that way."

"Of course you didn't Paulette," I say, and she elbows me. I'm actually pretty relieved Steph sounds down on guys in general, and Johnny in particular. I can't believe I let an idiot like Davey make me feel insecure about Louis. It's not like he's ever had a girlfriend!

Stephanie suddenly stops walking, and Paulette bumps into her.

"Look." Steph points across the field to the twins who are fawning all over the new English exchange student. They're pawing at him and giggling, not letting him get away. He is kinda cute but Steph says he's a total nerd.

"Virgin alert, virgin alert," she shouts, and Paulette joins in. The twins look over scowling. I guess Steph is being mean but they're so smug it's sickening. I know my mom would love me to be just like them. Straight a students, clean cut boyfriends, cheerleaders...l can get the grades but forget the rest, I'm certainly not going to prance about for the football team. Being a pink lady, dating a T bird, is way cooler, and me and Louis are the coolest couple in school now Stephanie and Johnny are over. My mom just doesn't understand any of that, it's no wonder my dad ditched her.

My thoughts are interrupted by the the roar of motor cycles, and I see Balmudo's gang driving onto the track, heading towards the T birds. Balmudo left school years ago but for some reason he's kept up this weird rivalry with the T birds. Coach Calhoun starts having a fit, and we run across to see what's going on. Johnny swaggers over, no doubt he's seen Stephanie and wants to impress her.

"Nogerelli," Balmudo sneers and I can tell he's amused. The T birds actually have their leather jackets on over their gym kits for god's sake. They look utterly stupid!

"Balmudo," Johnny says trying to sound cocky.

"These punks are gonna invade our turf one time too many," Goose mutters barely glancing at the gang in front of him.

"We should take care of them tonight," Louis adds. Oh my god is he blind, they're like totally outnumbered? Johnny pauses and I bet he isn't pleased by Goose and Louis upping the ante. He gets his cigarettes out, and takes his time to light one. He glances up at Balmudo.

"Tonight, we bowl." Johnny's voice comes out all squeaky and I have to stifle a giggle. Balmudo's gang laugh loudly, mocking Johnny.

"Hey your lucky we're bowling tonight," Davey says. I can see by the way Louis is looking down that he finds the whole thing embarrassing. Everyone knows that Johnny's wimped out, and Balmudo rides away laughing.

"Hey are we bowling tonight?" I shout over to Johnny.

"That's right," he says having regained his composure. "And Paulette, I want you to look special." Her eyes widen and she beams at him.

"No problem." She's grinning from ear to ear, pathetically pleased to receive any sort of attention from Johnny. I tell myself to stop being a bitch but it's irritating how dumb she is, Johnny's obviously trying to make Stephanie jealous.


I'm sat in front of Rydell waiting for Sharon since I'm giving her a ride home. Davey and Goose are hanging out with me but Johnny's already skulked off.

"It was sorta embarrassing, out on the pitch," Goose mumbles and I nod, I'm still cringing thinking about it.

"It ain't Johnny's fault," Davey says but he's convincing no one. It's Johnny who keeps fronting up to Balmudo, and making us all look like idiots when we back down. The front door opens and Rhonda and Sharon come through. Goose clears his throat signalling we should change the subject, it was bad enough the girls saw the whole thing.

"Is that another new hat you've got?" I ask Sharon as she sits down next to me, it must be the third or fourth I've seen this week.

"Oh probably, I've updated all my wardrobe." She has this borderline obsession with Jackie Kennedy, or maybe it's Jack she really likes, and even I've noticed she's changed all her clothes. Not that it's her clothes I'm interested in.

"How could you afford to do that?" Goose asks.

"Ways and means," Sharon says lighting a cigarette, and I wonder why she's being cagey. She doesn't have a job so I guess her mom's paid for it all. She is totally spoilt.

"But Sharon hats cost a lot of money," Davey says frowning. "My mom went to this wedding and her hat actually cost more than her dress...." We all turn to stare at Davey, and he drifts off his face going red.

"Davey, when did you get so knowledgeable about ladies' accessories?" Rhonda teases.

"I dunno...." He looks embarrassed but he should be used to being the butt of our jokes by now. "I'm just saying, Sharon's got all these new hats and things, and how can she afford them?" Sharon purses her lips, cutting her eyes at Davey but she doesn't say anything.

"And your earrings have real diamonds in," Rhonda says reaching her hand towards Sharon's ear. Sharon snaps her head back and glares at her.

"They were a present from my dad, ok? God, why's everyone giving me the third degree?" She stubs her cigarette out and gets to her feet. I get up and put my arm around her before she has a chance to storm off.

"It was just a question babe. Come on, let's get going." Goose looks at me raising his eyebrow, no doubt wondering why Sharon's being so defensive. She's definitely wound up, which isn't that unusual but we've obviously hit a nerve. I'll ask her what it's all about when she's calmed down, something's going on there.


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