Chapter 16

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Louis is so smug cos he's in Sharon's good books after going to her sister's wedding and impressing her dad. I doubt he's won her dad over but he seems to think he's got Sharon right where he wants her.

'So has Sharon shown you her appreciation yet?' Goose asks grinning.

'It's just a matter of time,' Louis says, chewing his gum.

'Why do you even like her?' I ask feeling a bit like the kid in first grade whose best friend has gone and found another best friend.

'Yeah she's hard work,' Goose adds.

Louis smirks. 'I like that she's hard work.'


'Well not in that respect,' he says and they laugh but I fail to see what's so funny.

I clear my throat. 'So are we all going to the Bowlarama tonight?'

'I guess,' Goose says shrugging. 'Unless Johnny has a date with Paulette.'

'What's even going on there?'

'I dunno, Johnny says it's just a bit of fun but he's getting in deep,' Goose says. 'Rhonda was telling me that Paulette thinks she's his girlfriend now.' This time I do laugh, we all know how delusional Paulette is. Johnny's using her, and for one thing only.


Well it sucks at the Bowlarama, the guys have well and truly set me up! They've only gone and arranged a blind date for me with this girl Donna, she's in the same homeroom as Goose. I guess Rhonda sorted it out. So I'm sat with Donna trying to pretend my blood isn't boiling. Fortunately, the guys went over to the pinball machines so I don't have to put up with them listening in and poking fun at me.

'So you're friends with Goose and Rhonda?' I ask Donna trying to be friendly cos it's not her fault we've been set up. She is really cute, small and blonde, but I can tell we don't have any chemistry.

'Not exactly, the pink ladies aren't really friends with anyone are they?' She gives a small laugh. 'I mean apart from each other.'

'Nah they're kinda bitchy.'

'I don't think I'd call them bitchy, there're just distant,' Donna says.

I shake my head. 'I know them and they are bitchy.' Donna laughs so she's obviously at ease with me. This probably means she doesn't see me as a potential boyfriend since she's not trying to impress me.

The noise in the room suddenly goes up a notch and I see Dolores running towards me. 'Balmudo's out front and he's all alone,' she exclaims grabbing my arm and pulling me to my feet. 'Come on.'

I don't need telling twice so I run after Dolores figuring the guys are already outside. We've been waiting a long time to get Balmudo alone.

'Hey where is that rat face Balumdo,' I say as I push open the door. I stop dead in my tracks, the guys are nowhere to be seen! Balmudo is towering over me, surrounded by his thugs. I take a step backwards but the doors are already locked behind me. Dolores must have got back inside, I hope to god she's getting reinforcements.

'Are you looking for a rat face, mouse brain,' Balmudo hollers grabbing me by the collar. I close my eyes waiting for the inevitable punch when a motorcycle comes tearing towards us showing no sign of stopping. We jump in opposite directions out of the way and I bang on the door for help. Balmudo is screaming after the cyclist, and the guys open the doors to let me back in. Nice timing, I think as we all huddle behind the doors out of harm's way. Some t birds we are!

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