Chapter Two

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     Beyoncé had only been sleep for an hour and she knew she definitely needed more rest, but she couldn't ignore her dry throat. Her eyes fluttered open expecting the bright fluorescent lights but instead she woke up to a dimly lit room. She sat up in the bed slowly and realized that Nicki was gone. She looked over to her left and didn't see Journey in the little bed so she started to panick.

"No . . . no no.", she quickly got up out the bed trying to ignore the pain that she was still in. She cut on the light and looked around the room until her eyes landed on a sleeping Chris with Journey on his chest knocked out as well. A wave of relief set over her but her curiosity grew. Why is he here?

She walked over to them and tapped Chris on his shoulder. His eyes opened slowly trying to adjust to the light.

"Bey, what's wrong? You look scared.", he said.

Damn his sleepy voice was sexy as hell.

"Uh . . . Well for one it was dark in here and you know I hate the dark but I thought somebody had took Journey when I didn't see her in the bed.", she said.

"Oh, I'm sorry for scaring you.", he said.

"It's . . fine, I guess."

An awkward silence grew between them and at that moment Beyoncé knew exactly what they both were thinking about. Chris stood up and carefully put Journey into her bed.


"I honestly don't want to hear it Chris. I don't even care anymore. What's done is done", she said.

"Beyoncé, it was an honest mistake. You seriously think that I'd purposely miss the birth of my daughter? I know I did some fucked up things before but this is something I'd never do.", he said grabbing her arm.

"I just said what's done is done. I don't wanna talk about it." She snatched away from him and walked toward the window. Chris caught the perfect view of her plump ass due to the hospital gown she was in.

He sighed and walked up behind her. She felt his arms snake around her waist and his chin rest on her shoulder. She tried wiggling him off but he wasn't budging.

"I'm sorry babygirl.", he whispered in her ear. Bey hated the fact that she loved him with every fiber of her being but he'd never feel the same about her. She refused to keep living like this. Growing up she dreamed of having a good vibe with someone, having someone by her side that'll help her pursue her dreams and his own. She wanted someone who'd love her unconditionally. Then marriage and kids would come into the equation. She knew that Chris didn't want any of those things; so it was time to let go.

"Christopher . . I can't do this with you anymore.", she turned around and stated.

"Do what?", he asked.

"This! Chris I have been by your side since we were 14 years old. I constantly give you whatever you want whenever you want it without any hesitation at all. And I never cared what it was that you asked me to do, I just did it. Chris you know I love you, a lot. Nobody's ever gonna change that, you'll always have a spot in my heart. But I don't wanna keep coming second to you. Im 28 years old, I don't have time for the games anymore. I wanted to have a future with you but I see now that, that isn't gonna happen ever. So whatever you were doing just continue to do it."

It felt good to get that off her chest. She wanted to cry but she had done enough of that. It was time for a new chapter in her life. Just her and her daughter.

"What? So, what you taking Journey away from me too?", he asked. She shook her head.

"I would never do that to you. You can come see her whenever you want. Co-parenting is easy."

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