Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"You're free to go Miss White" Dr Lewis said after he and Mrs Reddings (a scientist) ran more of their experiments or as they like to call it 'tests' on me. "I'll see you in two days". All I did was nod as an answer.

So I know you're curious about; who I am, and what am I doing with a doctor and a scientist so I'll let you know.

My name is Allana White. I am 14years old and I live in Sydney, Australia. I have a 16 year old older brother and two loving parents. We have lived in the same house ever since my brother was born and my dad even helped build the house. I am in year 9 and Mitchell my brother is in year 11.

Onto why I am here. When I was born, I was born with odd coloured eyes. My eyes were purple and they still are today but the thing is they aren't always purple. They change with my mood; say if I'm angry my eyes will turn the colour red and when I'm sad or depressed they are the colour blue. So I have to wear coloured eye contacts when I go out or go to school.

I have been coming to this stupid Clinique since I was able to walk and

talk. Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday they perform these experiments. It surprises me the amount of test they can think of doing but I can't ever object.

"See you on Thursday Alex" my mum says to Dr Lewis after I exit the room. My family isn't allowed to come in during the tests and I'm not allowed to tell them about after we come home.

"S-See you M-Mary" he stutters. It's quite funny actually I think Alex has a crush on my mum so every time he sees her I can't help but laugh at his awkwardness. She obviously has no clue about his crush. So it's the best entertainment ever!! Also him being such a high-ranked person being a doctor and all it is... I can't even describe!


After we got home Mum, Dad, Mitchell and I had dinner and I finished my homework then went to bed. I was not ready to go to school tomorrow I knew I would be bombarded by questions I am not allowed to answer every time I go to the stupid Clinique I get the same questions from my two best friends Jasmine and Eloise.

Jasmine; jasmine is a bundle of fun when you get to know her, but otherwise she is really shy and nervous. She is really high in her academics but not the top. We never keep anything from each other but she understands I can't tell her about the tests but she pesters me anyway. To top it off we live around the corner from each other.

Eloise; she is the complete opposite than Jasmine. She is loud and crazy and always and I mean always on a sugar rush. She's not dumb but she's not the brightest book on the shelf -so to say- but I couldn't live without her.

I've known Jasmine since the beginning of high school (year 7-12) so two years and Eloise from halfway through year 7. They are two people who know about my eyes in fact a lot of my friends know. So I don't mind them seeing them, although they always compliment them it's really annoying.


For some reason it won't let me dedicate the book to someone so this chapter is dedicated to @hellsdaughter for making the book cover and being a great friends :D

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