Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Like every morning I woke to my mum shaking me. So I got up and went through the same regime as every morning. Get up, go to the toilet, make my bed, get dressed in my uniform, put my hair up, go downstairs, pack my bag, have breakfast, brush my teeth, put contacts in and go catch a bus to school.

Out the door, walking to the corner of the street to meet up with an already waiting Jasmine. "Care to talk about yesterday. You know fill in the details" she asked curiosity shining in her eyes. That's another thing about having my eyes you can tell what other people are feeling by looking into their eyes.

"No" I said irritated knowing that my eyes would now be the colour orange.

"Come on Allana you never tell"

"That's because I'm not allowed to! Can we please drop the subject?"


We walked the rest of the way in silence. Not an uncomfortable silence but a comfortable one. When we finally got to the bus stop we took a seat and Jasmine turned to me.

"What's it like?" curiosity shining brightly in her eyes. In response I raised an eyebrow and looked at her like 'What the hell are you saying'? She sighed then turned to the road. "Having eyes like yours I mean. I have been really curious since you showed me them. You don't need to answer I-I was just wondering"

"No you're ok, it's just I don't actually know I have never had normal eyes before. But don't get me wrong the contacts are the most annoying thing ever and I can tell when my eyes would of changed colour but other than that and the way I know how your feeling I really have no idea. Sorry" guilt washing through me.

Just then the bus came and Jasmine and I piled onto the bus along with the other people at our stop including Mitchell. As soon as Jasmine and I were settled I got out my IPod gave each of us an ear bud then listened to music until 5 minutes passed and our friend Hannah got on the bus, we exchanged a few words before we fell back into a comfortable silence. I've known Hannah for two years before we started primary school (years 1-6) from our sibling knowing each other. So for 12years. Just thinking of that makes me feel old!


After we go to school I was almost pushed over by Eloise wrapping her arms around my neck luckily Jasmine was behind me to push me back up into a standing position. "Hey Eli" I said once I had regained my balance I hugged Eloise back before heading to my locker in the canteen quad.

After I got my books I headed to the library waiting for the thousands of questions I was sure I was going to be flooded with. And sure enough when I got to the table with Jassy and Eli on it I had questions flying at me from Eli. "So Ally how was your appointment. What did you do while you were in there? What did Dr Lewis and Mrs Reddings say to you? Is it scary being in there?"

"Eli! Stop you know I'm not allowed to answer so please stop!" I exclaimed frustration flooded through my veins.

"Fine Ally, I'm just really curious"

After that conversation we headed to our first class. We weren't in classes together so we said goodbye and went our separate ways. Thursday went the same way but by our sixth and final period I was really nervous from what might happen today at the Clinique. Was I going to be asked a million questions? Were they going to put me through different scenarios to see the colours my eyes change to? I really don't know and I'm really do not want to find out.

The bell signalling for the end of the day wrung we all jumped from our seats and out the door not bothering to wait for Anna my friend by whom I sit next to. People were pulling out phones left, right and centre I just kept my head straight and headed for my locker.

After I grabbed my stuff said goodbye to my friends before I headed out the school gates. Jumped into my mum's car and waited for my brother Mitchell then headed to the Clinique.This is definitely not going to be fun!

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