Double Date (Prinxiety & Logicality)

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Dedicated to kotlcfander and _Hot_Topic_  Thanks for pulling me into the fandom and saying that my writing was actually good. (:
Prinxiety and Logicality

"Virgil, I have a proposition for you!" Roman announced, waltzing into the mind living room.

"And what is that, Princey?" Virgil was still scrolling through Tumblr, hardly paying attention to what the other was saying.

"How would you like to go on a date with me?"

If Anxiety had a drink in his mouth, he would have done a spit take. He jerked his head up, staring at Roman. "What?!"

Roman rolled his eyes playfully. "Need I have Logan explain the concept to you? I said, will you go on a date with me?"

Virgil sat his phone down, turning the screen off. Roman knew that when this happened, he was quite serious.

"I—I'll go on a date," he stuttered. "With you."



"Ugh!" groaned Princey.

"But," Virgil continued, "we're dragging Logan and Patton along with us."

Roman studied him, then smiled, understanding why Virgil would have asked of this request. "This is your first date, isn't it?"

The other shifted uncomfortably, then mumbled, "Maybe."

"Well, never fear, Hot Topic! If having a double date will make you go on a date with me, then we shall have double date!"

"How are we going to convince them?" Virgil smirked a little, his normal composure back as he crossed his arms across his chest.

Roman mirrored the other's smirk. "I have my ways."

"C'mon, Logan, it's just one date!" Roman was on his knees, begging the Logical side to agree to what he'd asked.

"I don't partake in these kinds of events."

"Logan, please. I—I really like Virgil, and it's his first date and he's nervous and I don't want him to be nervous and—"

"Enough with the run-on sentence, Roman. I may not good at feelings, but I understand. I will go on this—this outing with you and Virgil, but of course we must consult Patton."

"Consult me about what?" Patton smiled as he walked into the mind living room. The two other sides shared a look, then Roman grinned, standing up.

"Patton, dear Patton. How would you like to go on a date with your fellow nerd here?" He jerked a thumb towards a red-faced Logan who was trying to look anywhere but at Morality.

"I'd love to!" said Patton, as bubbly as ever.

"Great!" Roman said, just as Logan muttered, ". . .Great."


Virgil scrambled around his room, making any last-minute preparations for the double date. Roman would be here any moment, and Virgil wanted to make sure he was completely ready for his first date. Not that he cared . . .

Just as he put his makeup away, he heard a knock on his door. Taking one more look in the mirror, he swung the door open to reveal Princey. His hair was perfectly in place, his outfit looking bright and as new as when he first acquired it. And, he looked good, not that Virgil was noticing or anything.

"Virgil!" greeted Roman. "You look great, Hot Topic."

"Aww," he smirked, "you called me hot."

Roman winked, and Anxiety's face heated up. "So," said the creative side. "Shall we get going? Logicality is already there."


"Y'know, their ship name." Virgil was about to ask what theirs was when Roman looped an arm through Virgil's, teleporting them to their destination. Virgil knew this place. It was the fanciest restaurant Thomas had been to, which was why he remembered it so vividly. Roman turned to grin at him and he found himself giving the other a small smile. Patton and Logan were outside the entrance, talking and laughing. The other two sides walked over to them. It took Virgil a few moments to realize Roman's arm had never left his, and he blushed once again.

"Ready?" asked Princey. They nodded and he lead the four of them inside. They got a table and he pulled Virgil's chair out for him. Logan did the same for Patton, and all the sides sat across from their dates. Minutes later, they had their drinks and food in front on them. Virgil glanced up from his place to find Roman staring at him, studying him.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" asked the creative side.

The other nodded, playing with his pasta with his fork and not looking up at Princey.

Roman took this as a bad sign, that he was not really enjoying himself. After turning to Logan and explaining what he was going to do, Roman stood and tapped his date's arm. He looked up, surprised.

"C'mon. I have something else planned for our date."

Virgil set his fork down and let the other take his hand, leading him away from Logic and Morality.

"Where are we going?"

"If I tell you, it would ruin the surprise."

Virgil rolled his eyes, but secretly, he was enjoying this. All of it.

They didn't teleport, just kept walking and walking, until finally, Roman stopped in front of a wooden door. He glanced at the other boy, then grinned, pushing the door open.

"Welcome to my garden."

"You—You have a garden? Seriously?" Though Virgil mocked it, he actually though the garden was beautiful. It was filled with bright flowers, blues and oranges and reds. Green grass covered the ground, except where the fountain stood in the middle. Roman led Virgil to the fountain, setting down next to him on the curved bench.

"What do you think?"

"It's, well—er. It's amazing honestly."

"I needed a place to relax, especially when I am stressed. So I created this place. I am creativity, after all." Roman looked around, admiring his personal garden.

"I wish I had a place like this," said Virgil. He was Anxiety; he couldn't come up with places like this.

"Well, you are free to visit here whenever you like, Virgil."

The other looked at him. "But how do I get here?"

"You can teleport, I just figured a walk would be better, build the surprise a bit more."

"Thank you, Roman. Seriously, thank you. For everything tonight. I had a great first date."

"And I am honored to be your first date," said Princey with a smile. Anxiety turned towards him, and he saw Roman's arm reach out, felt Roman's hand on his cheek. And suddenly, they moved closer and closer, until Roman pressed their lips together. Virgil placed a hand on his date's shoulder, pulling him closer. When they pulled away, they were both out of breath.

"First kiss," mumbled Virgil. Roman chuckled, kissing his cheek.

"Once again," said Princey, pulling him in for another kiss. "I am honored."

My longest one shot so far. I'm planning on doing a second part of this, with what Logic and Patton did after the other two left.

Enjoy. ~Kirs.

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