Finds you: Mary Margaret

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Mary Margaret was walking through Storybrooke when a sudden shriek came from an alley. She calmly walked over to where the sound came from, and peeked in to the dark. Nothing stirred under her gaze. She stepped into the alley.

"Hi. My name's Mary Margaret. There's no need to be alarmed, I'm just trying to help. There is a diner, called Granny's Diner. They will give you food and a place to stay if you need it." Before she turned away, a soft but shaky voice called after her.

"W-Wait. Please. My name's (M/N). I-I just gave birth to a baby girl. I am going to die. P-Please, Mary Margaret. You seem like a nice woman. Please help me. Please help my daughter!" Your mother cried out.

Mary Margaret stopped in her tracks at the sound of the pleading woman. She turned around and walked back to her. The woman's eyes were now glazed over. Her life was gone. Mary picked you up and pushed the blanket away from your face. She smiled at your innocence.

"I've already given up one child. There is no way that I'm giving up another." She said.

She began walking from the street, your calm (E/C) eyes on her the whole time.

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