Pt. 11

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Recap ..........🌸
" Alright .. alright I fucked you and it was so good.. I like its so fucking much okay ". Every body gasped.

August POV

One min I'm playing a kid's game the next I'm being jumped in my own house.

Why me? What did I do to deserve all this ?. I looked up at the ceiling. My baby is dead, my princess is dead.. I promised her that nothing wasn't going to happen to her. I broke that promise. If  they never came for the weekend, all this wouldn't have happen.

After seeing that sex-tape  I was lost for words. I couldn't even explain the way I felt. I just wanted to explode.

When he was going all up in Queen face I was at 180 degrees.

" psss". I whispered at Queen's dad.

He looked over to me trembly repeatedly, his ear wasnt looking to good.

I had a plan to get out of this place.

He nodded his head in agreement to show that he understood what to do.

There was a gun on the table, it wasn't far from me. I eyed the Nigga, watching his every move. I look over my shoulder. Queens dad was cutting through the ropes and I did to.

When Dave look at us we put our hands quickly behind us, acting like we were tied up

I look around to see there was fours built man in the room. Two block the door way and the other two in the corners.

This gonna be easy.

Dave look at us hungry and  continue to ask Queen sum more questions.

I see that Queens dad already had a gun on him.

I gave a little nod to him.
He gave me one back telling me that he was ready.

I got up for the gun I got it and shot the guys in the corners n Micheal ( Queens dad)  Started to shoot at the guys at the door.

I got the gun and pointed it at Dave's head.

"Micheal go untie Queen". I said, he rushed over there n did what he was told.

She started to crying. Girl why you crying fah, it's not the place and time fah tears, we needa get the hell up ott'a here. Smh

" where's my baby ?". I said with my teeth touching each other.

He just started to laugh.
This Nigga treated me if I was a damn animal and hes sitin up here laughin

I punch him in the face" that for coming into my house". Three more punches " that for fucking my wife ". Seven more punches " that's for kidnaping Micheal". Nigga looked half dead.

*Bop Bop* "that for killing my daughter".

I realize that I killed someone. I dropped the gun an knelt down to check if  he was still breathing.

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